Targeting a muscle group is part of any well designed program. Below is a list of 10 different muscles or areas of the body and some of the best exercises to target them. Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list, but consists of very effective exercises that you can’t go wrong using.

The purpose of this post is not to encourage spot reduction, but to be able to effectively work the desired muscle group for the purpose of strengthening it.


Table of Contents

  1. Back Targeting Exercises
  2. Shoulder Targeting Exercises
  3. Bicep Targeting Exercises
  4. Tricep Targeting Exercises
  5. Glute Targeting Exercises
  6. Hamstring Targeting Exercises
  7. Quad Targeting Exercises
  8. Oblique Targeting Exercises
  9. Upper Abdominal Targeting Exercises
  10. Lower Abdominal Targeting Exercises
  11. Exercise Gallery
  12. Equipment

Back Targeting Exercises

The muscles of your back include your latissimus dorsi, deltoid, rhomboids, and teres major and minor to name a few. It is important to strengthen these muscles to open up the anterior of our shoulders. improve posture, and elongate the appearance of our body.


In a prone position, start with your hands overhead and thumbs together. Proceed by moving your hands out away from your body, keeping your elbows almost straight, and then bringing them back toward your glutes. This should work to engage and burn out those posterior shoulders!

Variations: Standing – on a bosu or on single leg, paused, one arm at a time.

Reverse Flys

The reverse fly is executed by holding two dumbbells out in front of you in a forward hinged position with a tight core. With a slight bend in the elbows and palms facing in, control the weights out to the side as you retract your shoulder blades. Be sure to really pinch those shoulder blades to effectively target the rhomboids.

Variations: Pause at the outer most point, stand with a single leg balance, rotate your palms to face up or down. 

Bent Over Rows

Start by standing in a bent over (or hinged) position with your back flat and core engaged, and the weights hanging directly below your shoulders. With your palms facing inward, pull the weights up toward your ribcage by retracting your shoulders blades, allowing your elbows to pass your ribcage. Avoid any flexion or extension (bending) at your wrists.

Variations: Use an underhand grip, use an overhand grip, pause at the top, alternate sides per rep. 

Single Arm Rear Deltoid Raise

Holding a dumbbell in one arm, have a slightly bent over position with your opposite hand resting on your knee and the weight hanging directly below your shoulder. With a straight arm, extend the weight back while keeping your chest forward to not activate the anterior shoulder. All the work should be in your posterior deltoid!

Variations: use a resistance band, eccentric work as you very slowly resist the force and control the return to starting position.

Banded Pull-Apart

Grabbing both sides of a long resistance band, grip the band according to the difficulty you would like with palms facing up. The closer your hands are together, the more difficult. In a smooth and controlled movement, pull the band apart with your hands while bringing your shoulder blades together for great posterior shoulder work.

Variations: Diagonally pull the band apart, elbows fully bent or fully extended.

Band Face Pulls

Looping the band around a pole, banister or anything stable you have available, grip the band with palms facing toward the floor. Pull the band toward your forehead to activate the deltoids for great back work. As always, keep the core engaged to prevent low back extension (arching).

Variations: Try the exercise in a hinges position for more core work and increased back load, single arm.

Shoulder Targeting Exercises

The shoulder joint is very dynamic, allowing for a wide range of movement, which means it needs a lot of stability to stay healthy.  It also means it can be susceptible to injury and that not every exercise is right for every person.

Neutral Grip Press

Starting with the dumbbells at your shoulders and palms facing in, proceed to raise them up above your head. The keys here are not to let your lower back arch or let momentum take over. These can be prevented by keeping core tension and focusing on the movement in the shoulder.

Variations: Palms facing outward, use band instead of dumbbells, add a curl before the press, seated or standing, in an isometric lower body hold, single leg or on a bosu for balance.

Front Raise

Starting with the dumbbells at your side with palms facing in. Lift them up in front of your body until about shoulder height. The dumbbells should not be lifted higher than that. Your core should remain tight to not allow your back to arch at the top.

Variations: Palms facing toward the ground, seated or standing, use one weight instead of two, banded instead of dumbbells, in an isometric lower body hold, single leg or on a bosu for balance.

Lateral Raise

Similar to the front raise, a lateral raise is just going to go out to the side of your body instead of in front of it. For the lateral raise, your palms will be facing the front of your body. As always, core tension is important. Similar to the front raise, it is important not to raise the weights above shoulder height.

Variations: Palms facing toward your body, seated or standing, banded instead of dumbbells

Upper Body Mountain Climbers

Start in a push-up position with feet shoulder-width apart. Begin by lowering one elbow to the ground, then the other. Using the first arm, extend the elbow to go back to the push-up position. Then do the other arm. Start with the other hand the next rep. Be sure to keep a neutral spine and tight core during the reps.

Variations: To make the exercise easier elevate your arms off the ground using a bench or try it from your knees. To make it more challenging try using a bosu ball (round side up) at your elbows or feet, add a lower body movement between each rep, or place a weight on your upper back (don’t let it fall off!)

Bent Over Y’s

In a slightly bent over position, start with your arms between your legs and palms together. In a smooth and controlled motion, raise your arms above your head while keeping your thumbs toward the ceiling. At the top position your arms should form a Y with the rest of your body (hence the name)!

Variations: Add small weight (2.5s, 5s), Lay prone on the ground (start overhead and lift a couple inches off the ground), swimmers.

Arnold Press

Start with your palms facing your body and weights up in front of your face. The first step is rotating your arms from in front of your face to the side of your head so that your palms face outward. The next step is to push the weights up overhead with the palms still facing out. As you lower the weights down, repeat the same pattern in reverse. This creates some great rotational work in the shoulders.

Variations: This is an exercise done best without any variations because it keeps the load most heavily focused on the shoulders.

Bicep Targeting Exercises

The biceps are made up of the brachioradialis, brachialis, and the biceps brachii (long and short head). When people think of the biceps, they think of bulky muscles and definition in the arms. However, those biceps are more than just for looks. Our Biceps are one of the main muscle groups we use in our everyday life. From carrying in our grocery bags, lifting up the trash bags, and even having to do our hair for a long period of time.

Bicep Curls

This is one you see almost everyone doing in the gym. One of the most simplistic exercises for targeting those biceps. Start with the weights at your side with palms facing forward. Flexing at the elbow proceed to lift the weights up toward your shoulders while putting the load into your biceps. As always, keep core tension and limit momentum moving the weights.

Variations: take your arms to the outside of your hips and perform wide curls, stand on a bosu, single leg or in a split stance to challenge balance, use resistance bands or a cable to change the load.

Hammer Curls

This is going to be the same as your bicep curl, but switching your grip to have your palms facing each other. This is just going to target a different muscle head of your bicep to put the load into your bicep brachialis.

Variations: bring your arms in a crossbody pattern alternating hand towards opposite shoulder, stand on a bosu, single leg or in a split stance to challenge balance, use resistance bands or a cable to change the load.

TRX Bicep Curl

Starting with your palms facing up in the TRX bands, position your body to the level of difficulty you desire. The more parallel your body is with the ground, the more difficult it will be. Proceed to bend your elbows towards your chest to lift your body up. It is very important to keep core tension and limit low back arching.

Variations: change your palm positioning and try overhand (palms down) and neutral grip (palms in), try single arm or single leg and fit the rotation that gravity applies to you.

Isolation Work

This is not a specific exercise, but incorporating a single arm curl while the other hold the dumbbell with 90 degree flexion can be very effective in strengthening the biceps. This can also be done with an isometric hold during a pull-up. This just helps us work not only eccentric and concentric, but also isometric!

Variations: try a flexed hang from a pull-up bar or single arm bent over row with the non-rowing arm holding a (isometric) row position.

Eccentric Neutral Grip Pull-Up

By either climbing up or jumping up to have your chin over the handles, lower your body downward toward the bench or ground with a 3-5 count. This is going to work your biceps eccentrically. It is a more advanced exercise, but can be really effective in strengthening your biceps.

Variations: change your hand grip for an increased challenge – wide palms facing away is the hardest. Add a weight vest to increase the load

Tricep Targeting Exercises

Working our triceps can be tough. They are a small muscle group that can fatigue quickly. But working on our triceps is just as important as getting strong biceps. They can help increase numbers for a bench press, help get those toned arms people are always searching for, and just assist with every day activities.

Tricep Dips

A favorite among anyone who looks to work their triceps. This is a simple exercise in which you start with your hands behind you on the bench with knuckles forward. While being slow and controlled, lower your body to the ground to reach about 90 degrees of flexion at the elbows. The further away your legs are from you, the more difficult the intensity!

Variations: hold a weight on top of your legs, pause at the bottom, or add leg raise with toe touch at the top.

Tricep OH Extensions

Holding a dumbbell or resistance of your choice above your head with full extension at the elbows, lower the weight down behind your head. It is very important to resist the tendency to arch the low back. Prevent this by keeping core tension and letting your triceps do the work. Limit the work that your shoulder is doing and keep the focus on the triceps.

Variations: increase weight or reps, add a single or double leg lower to get the core active, or add a skull crusher between each rep.

Tricep Push-Ups

Set up in a high plank position with your hands directly below your shoulders. As any other push-up, lower yourself toward the ground and push back up while maintaining a flat back and tight core. The narrow position of your hands will allow for the load to go into your triceps. This can be done on your knees or on an incline as well.

Variations: elevate the legs, single leg, weight on the back, pause at the bottom, or hold a plank after completing your last rep.

Narrow Bench Press

Lying supine on a bench or on the ground, start with the dumbbells above your chest. Lower the weights down toward your chest while keeping your elbows in tight to get the work into your triceps. Your grip should be neutral, having your palms face each other.

Variations: increase weight or reps, put your feet on the bench, or lower the weights on a 5 count loading the eccentric phase.

Banded Tricep Pull-Down

Attaching the band higher up on a banister, pole, or anything you have (or use a cable as seen in the picture), place hands about shoulder width apart on the band to start. Extend your elbows to bring the band down toward your hips. Be sure to keep core tension to not let the work go into your low back. This can also be done with a cable machine using the handles or rope attachment.

Variations: single arm pull-downs, hand on top of hand pull-down, or standing on top of a bosu.

SKLZ Single Arm extensions

Using your SKLZ sliders, a towel on a hardwood surface, or a Tupperware lid on carpet put one underneath one of your hands in a kneeling position. As you extend the hand with the SKLZ, the other arm goes into elbow flexion, keeping the arm close to your body. This creates a single arm tricep push-up in the arm off of the SKLZ.

Variations: this is an advanced movement, you may need to regress and perform tricep push-ups and the ab wheel separately to build enough strength and stability. You can make this harder by going from your toes and even harder by elevating your feet or putting them on a bosu.

Glute Targeting Exercises

Posterior chain training, which includes your glutes, is so important to your overall health. Lack of proper glute activation and engagement can lead to pain (back, hip, knee), and many other issues throughout the kinetic chain. Learning how to focus and use this muscle will change not only your workout, but the way your body feels!

Banded Step-Outs

With the band right above the knee, start with your knees slightly bent. Step out to the side with one leg, then switch to have the other one step out while still standing in the right spot. Be sure to think about squeezing your glutes to prevent your hip from doing the work.

Variations: Make it a band walk by stepping out and together for about 10 yard and back! Put the band below your knees to make it harder.

Glute Bridges

Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Proceed by lifting your hips up toward the ceiling and engaging your glutes. What we want to prevent here is a low back arch and pain. The goal is to be able to have a straight line between your head, hips, and knees. However, this should not come at the expense of low back pain and using the wrong muscles.

Variations: Elevate your heels on a bench, put a band above your knees, pulse at the top, add a weight on your hips, or try them on single leg.

Plank Leg Lifts

In an elbow plank position, start with your feet about shoulder width apart. Lift one leg up no higher than the hips, so that you just use your glute to extend your hip. Alternate and do the same thing on the other leg. This should all be done while keeping your core engaged and a flat back. Tip: squeeze your glute before your foot leaves the ground.

Variations: Add a band above your knees, move to a high plank, have your elbows or hands plank on a bosu.

Clam Shells

Lay on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees with a band just above them. Think about your heels being in line with your glutes. Your arms can be in whatever position is most comfortable. Squeeze your glutes to lift the top leg against the resistance of the band. Again, this should only be done in the range of motion that only engages your glutes, and not your hips. Control your legs as they lower back down to the starting position.

Variations: This one can be done without a band as well, in a side plank from your elbow or with your butt against the wall to control any torso rotation isolating the work to your glutes.

Reverse Hyper

This is not a piece of equipment most would have at home, but at your gym go find this machine! It is one of the most effective exercises for targeting your glutes. Lying on your stomach with hands on the bars, start with your legs hanging toward the ground. Begin by lifting your legs up through your glutes. Similar to the plank leg lifts, be sure to prevent low back arch by not extending higher than your hips.

Variations: If you do not have this equipment, you could replace it with a banded hip extension or backward band walk


Although the squats hit pretty much every muscle in the lower body, it can be great for our glutes. If you don’t feel your glutes working during the squat try using one of the above exercises before squatting to “wake them up”. Super setting squats with a glute isolated exercise can provide a great glute burn.

Hamstring Targeting Exercises

Training our hamstrings involves a lot of hip hinging or flexion at the knee. The more you teach your hips to hinge properly, the better off you will be in real life. Hamstrings are very active as you bend down to pick things up or do other everyday tasks (laundry, gardening, stairs, etc.).

Bonus! Training your hamstrings effectively will make you faster if you are an athlete. This is due to their role as a hip extensor which also helps in your ability to decelerate and change direction.

Single Leg RDL

This is one of my personal favorites, and not just because it does a great job of targeting your hamstring. Start balancing on one leg with a slight bend in the knee. Proceed by hinging at your hips, pushing your butt back while keeping your core tight and back flat. The leg not on the ground will extend back while your hips and shoulders stay square to the ground. Reach for mid-shin with your hands or to the length that your hamstring and good form allow. Return back to the upright position, tapping the other foot down when needed.

Variations: Add weights in each hand, only one weight in one hand, perform on a bosu, use a cable as resistance, use a swiss ball under the back foot.

Double Leg RDL

Very similar to the single leg RDL, the double leg starts with a slight bend in the knees and a hip hinge back. Lower the weight to below the knee, again only as low as your great form allows. Return back to neutral by standing up tall and squeezing your glutes at the top. This is a great bilateral alternative to the single leg RDL.

Variations: Use a barbell instead of dumbbells, perform on a bosu, use a single weight, use a cable, or make it a complex with other exercises.

Hamstring Curls on Swiss Ball

With your back flat on the ground and your knees bent at 90 degrees, put your feet up on the stability ball. Lift your hips up as if your were doing a glute bridge. Extend your legs out while keeping the stability ball underneath your feet. Pull the stability ball back in using your hamstrings and maintaining core tension so that the work is not felt in your low back.

Variations: Put your feet in TRX straps, try single leg curls, or place your feet on the SKLZ sliders

Hamstring Walk-Outs

Begin with shoulders and feet on the ground with your hips up in a glute bridge position. Begin by stepping out with your heels alternating right and left. Step out 2-3 steps each side, then walk back in to the original position.

Variations: add a band above your knees to increase glute engagement, squeeze a medicine ball to work your inner thighs also, hold a weight on your hips.

Kettle Bell Swings

With a little bit of knee bend and holding the weight between your legs, start with the same hip hinge back as your would with a double leg RDL. Proceed by bringing the weight forward in a swinging motion by pushing your hips back to neutral and squeezing your glutes. Do not use your arms to bring the weight higher or let momentum do the work.

Variations: Use dumbbells as your resistance, use a band to pull through your legs

Eccentric Hamstring Curl

While on your knees, your feet can either be pinned down by a partner, or have them in a machine in the gym. Slowly lower your chest toward the ground until you cannot anymore. Either drop to the ground or use a stick as assistance to lift yourself back to the original kneeling position.

Variations: If you are crazy you could try this single leg 😜 otherwise you could use a hamstring curl machine focusing on slow extension to get an eccentric load.

Quad Targeting Exercises

These are mass muscle movements. This means that in the list below I am not giving you quad isolated movements. Rather movements where the quads are active and prime movers. When these exercises are used consistently and properly you will benefit from stronger quads. Work them routinely on a weekly basis to see your work pay off.

If you have any lower body joint issues or chronic pain I suggest you find an experienced and educated fitness professional to help you get started. And remember if you are light headed or dizzy you should stop exercising,

Goblet Squat

Standing in an upright position, hold a dumbbell at your chest. Proceed by bending you knees and squatting down. Keys are to not let the weight bring your chest toward the ground, but instead keep good posture. This does not mean arching your back, instead keep good core tension. When coming out of the bottom of the squat, use your quads to help push your body back up to neutral.

Variations: Swiss ball on the back against the wall, standing on a bosu ball.

Wall Sit

Although this is a fairly common exercise, it can often be done incorrectly. Sit against a wall as you would sit in a chair with your feet shoulder width apart. Be sure to keep your upper body in contact with the wall. Do not let the weight get too far on your toes or heels. Aim to sit as close to 90 degrees at your hips as you can.

Variations: Use a Hip Circle band and pulse your knees out, put a med ball between your legs.

Leg Press

Seated in the chair place your legs on the platform at a comfortable position as you would with a squat. Push the platform up and release the safety bars using the handles. Proceed to bring your knees toward your chest, going only as close as your hip mobility and strength allow. Push back up to the original position without locking out your knees. Once you complete the reps return the safety bars to their original position.

Variations: Single leg, toes out with a sumo stance.

Split Squat

Start with one leg out in front of you with the weight mid-foot to heel and the other one behind you on the ball of your foot. Lower your body down by bending both of your knees but keeping your posture upright and your core tight. The goal is to reach 90 degrees in both knees while still keeping great form. Return to top position and repeat.

Variations: Swiss ball on the back, front foot on Bosu, back foot on bosu.

TRX Single Leg Squat

Using the TRX straps, go as far back as you can while keeping your elbows bent comfortably at your side lift one leg up out in front of you. Sit back as if you were doing a normal squat, while letting the leg not on the ground stay out in front of you. Be careful not to lean too much into the bottom leg or let your chest fall toward the ground. Push up through the ground to lift yourself up and squeeze your glute at the top.

Variations: Foot on Bosu, without TRX for advancement.

Bulgarian Split Squat

Similar to the split squat, the Bulgarian elevates your back foot onto a bench. The weight should still be mid-foot to heel on the front foot. The back should be either on the ball of your foot or rest the top of it on the bench. Proceed to lower yourself keeping the same upright posture and knee staying in line with your front toe. Push off of the ground to bring yourself back to the top.

Variations: Add weights, add a rotation for stability.

Oblique Targeting Exercises

The obliques serve a great purpose as the muscles that support the sides of our core. They assist in the deep exhalation in our breathing routine. They help us with rotation, anti-rotational stability and overall strength in the core. Training your obliques should be a part of your program.

Side Plank Hip Taps

Start in a side plank position with your bottom elbow directly below your shoulder. The other hand can be on your top hip, extended toward the ceiling on the floor for some balance. One leg should be stacked on top of the other. Begin by lowering your body to the ground so that your bottom hip taps the ground. Do not do this at the expense of your form. Make sure your knees, hips, and shoulders all stay in line.

Variations: Bottom knee bent on the ground to decrease load, elbow on stability pad or bosu ball, hold a weight in your top hand.

Plank Hip Dips

In an elbow plank position with tension in your core, be sure not to have your hips too high or your low back arch with hips too low. Proceed by trying to tap one hip to the side and then switch over to the other. It is not essential to tap each completely to the ground if it means your feet are coming off the ground. This one crushes my obliques!

Variations: Elbows or feet on the soft side of a Bosu Ball or stability pad. 

Side Plank Crunch

Start in the same position as the side plank hip taps above. Begin by bending your top knee and top elbow. Have that elbow and knee meet in the middle as you crunch through your top oblique and your bottom one stabilizes isometrically. Return to the original position and repeat.

Variations: Bottom knee on the ground, elbow or bottom foot on a stability pad or bosu ball.

Pallof Press

Using a band or a cable machine, stand so that your side is facing the machine (perpendicular). Have your inside hand on the bottom and outside had overtop. Bring the cable handle or band to the middle of your chest at your sternum. Keeping a tight core, press straight out with the handle/band, then return to the chest. Be sure to control the band or cable keeping your hands moving in a straight, consistent line.

Variations: add a rotation in before you press, use a split stance, or incorporate a bosu ball at your feet.


Hold a weight in your hands (dumbbell, weight plate, med ball) and start in a loaded position with the weight at your shins on one side of your body. Using your core to rotate, bring the weight back up across your body to about shoulder height on the other side. Continue by diagonally chopping the weight down on the outside of your body near mid-shin where you started and repeat.

Variations: bring the weight all the way over head at top.

V-Sit Twists

Start by sitting in a v position with your pelvis tucked under so that your core is thoroughly engaged (if you cannot do this without back pain, use a different exercise). Holding a weighted resistance in both hands, move it front one side of your hip to the other in a twisting motion.

Variations: add a press, tuck, single leg tuck, flutter kick or scissor kick after the twist.

Upper Abdominals Targeting Exercises

Targeting the upper abdominals can be tough because working this area of our core often times means a lot of crunches. These usually bore people, give them neck pain, and even when done improperly can lead to some lower back discomfort. Here are 6 variations of a regular crunch that give you better targeting of your upper abdominals.

Straight Leg Sit-Up

Begin by lying flat on the ground, with your arms overhead and your legs straight out. Ensuring that your core is properly engaged by tucking your hips under, proceed to do a sit up while keeping your hands above your head and your legs out straight. Come up only so that you are in a seated position. Then lower yourself back down without letting your back take over the work.

Variations: Hold light weight with one hand, both hands or a weight in each hand.

Flatback Bicycle

Lay flat on the ground with your legs bent at 90 degrees with feet in the air and your hands behind your head. Proceed to crunch your opposite elbow and knee together as your head rotates with it. Extending the opposite leg straight. Repeat the other direction, as the other elbow comes to the other knee.

Variations: Pause at the end of each crunch, perform in a v-sit.

Toe Touches

Lying on your back, put both feet up in the air. The straightness of your legs is going to depend heavily on your flexibility in the hamstrings. Only hold them at the range of motion you have, pain free. Have both hands up in the air, similar to the beginning stages of a deadbug. Using only your core and not the momentum from your arms, reach for your toes by crunching through those upper abdominals and lifting your shoulders off the ground.

Variations: Add a weight, hold one leg up in the air and do a single leg.

OH Extension to Crunch

Start with your back flat to the ground, your knees bent and feet on the ground, and holding a weight in your hands up in the air above your chest. Extend the weight over your head while ensuring your back does not arch off the mat as you do so. How far back the weight goes will depend on the range of motion you have in your shoulders and your ability to maintain core contraction (keeping your back flat to the ground). Return back to the original position of your weight. Proceed to crunch your upper abdominals while keeping your arms extended. Be careful to not go too far forward or the load will enter your back.

Variations: Perform with a weight in single arm to work shoulder stability and unilateral load, change the overhead extension to a skull crusher, change the crunch to a toe touch.


Start with your back is flat to the ground, your knees are bent, your feet on the ground, and your arms are at your side. Crunch up slightly so that your head up and shoulders are peeled off the ground. Proceed to reach along the ground for your foot with the hand that is on the same side as the foot you’re reaching for. Creating a side crunch motion. Then go to the other foot and repeat, alternating each rep. This will create a rocking motion back and forth (similar to a waddling penguin). If you have any neck pain (very common) in this exercise, you can support your head with your hands and just create the same motion.

Variations: Reach to both sides then relax back to the ground, pause an hold for a 2 count on each side.

Crunch w/ Extension

Lying on the ground, bend one knee and place your foot on the ground while the other is extended straight out in the air. Have your hands at your head and proceed to crunch with your upper abdominals while the leg stays extended. Do the reps all on one leg, then switch which leg is extended. Height of the extended leg will depend on your ability to keep your core contracted, back neutral and pain free.

Variations: Adjust height of leg to increase or decrease difficulty, extend both legs to increase difficulty. 

Lower Abdominals Targeting Exercises

Having strong lower abdominals can help reduce back pain, improve overall balance, and just like all core can help improve your posture. Your rectus abdominus has this lower and upper split and many people only target the upper abdominals with many crunch variations. The lower abdominals are often tougher to work and therefore get pushed aside.


Lying on the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees suspended above the mat. With your entire upper body staying grounded to the mat, lift your hips up as your knees come toward your head. Using your abdominals, crunch your knees toward your head. While still controlling through your core, return back to the original position and repeat.

Variations: Hanging from a pull-up bar, holding on to the handle of a decline bench.


Begin seated with your knees bent and feet off of the floor. Be sure to have your core engaged by tucking your pelvis under. Place your hands directly out in front of you or holding them together above your stomach. It is important not to try and sit too upright. This is a mistake many people make that causes the load to go into their low backs.

Variations: Add a curl and press, Add a twist, do an overhead extension with it.


Lying on a bench or a mat, start with your knees tucked to your chest. You can place your hands underneath you or behind your head holding on to the bench if that is where you are doing the exercise. Begin the movement by extending your legs out so that your body is as straight as possible while still having your back maintain contact with the mat/bench. Proceed to bring your knees back toward your chest. Then, kick your legs up in air by lifting your hips off of the mat.

Variations: Perform the same actions on a decline bench.


Lying on a bench or a mat, extend your legs out so you are as straight as possible and feet are off of the ground. Only do this to the height where you are able to keep your back flat. Trying to get lower with your legs by arching your back will only lead to a pain in your lower back and your core not firing as it should. This kind of compromise defeats the purpose of the exercise and does you no good! With this in mind, proceed to the exercise by alternating which leg is lifted higher and which is lowered. Keep switching back and forth while maintaining good form.

Variations: Speed up your kicks and go for time or a higher rep count, slow down and control each kick with a pause and each end.


Start lying flat on the ground or on a bench. Place your legs directly in the air as close to your body making an L shape as you can. This is largely going to depend on your hamstring flexibility. You can place your hands underneath you for support, hold on to the bench, or even hold on to a beam behind your head. This will help maintain core tension. With keeping your back flat to the mat, lower your legs down to as close to parallel as you can get while keeping the load in your core and not your lower back. Keeping your core braced, raise your legs back up to the starting position. This can be difficult for those who have tight hips and will sometimes cause some discomfort because of that.

Variations: Hanging from a pull up bar, single leg lower.


Similar to the flutter kicks, start by lying flat on a mat with your legs extended out in the air. Again, it is important to keep your back completely flat. Instead of kicking alternating your legs up and down, you are going to instead do it side to side. This is going to create a “scissor” like motion with your legs. It is also important to remember that compromising to lower your legs by arching your back does not do you any good!

Variations: Speed up your kicks and go for time or a higher rep count, slow down and control each kick with a pause and each end.



Before starting an exercise routine make sure that you are prepared for exercise and consult a medical professional if you have any concerns. If you are recovering from an injury be sure to have clearance to exercise from your doctor and listen to your body. Results will come from consistent work. Injuring yourself will only further delay your results.

If you feel dizzy or lightheaded you should stop exercising immediately and seek help. Pain or joint discomfort should not be ignored. If you can’t exercise without pain or discomfort you should seek out a trusted fitness professional to guide you. They will be able to adjust your form & technique, programming & volume to manage your discomfort. Make sure that you search for an educated and reputable fitness professional who will support your needs.

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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Have you ever heard of EMOM workouts? I hadn’t, but I started to see them pop up everywhere. And honestly, I thought they looked easy. Famous last words right? Man was I WRONG!! These workouts will kick your butt.

The tricky part of an EMOM workout is that each exercise has a rep count, but you only have a minute to do each exercise. Whatever time is left in the minute after you have completed your reps is your rest period. So you need to work fast (without sacrificing form) to maximize the time you have to catch your breath!

These workouts are great for when you’re short of time but still want a good workout! I really like to do EMOM workouts after a long day or when I don’t have very much motivation because I can tell myself I am going to do 4 rounds of 5 exercises and know that I will be done in exactly 20 minutes!

How to do an EMOM Workout

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Like I mentioned above, you have 1 minute to complete the reps for each exercise and the time left over is your rest. So, getting the reps done fast will increase your heart rate. I like to track my heart rate using my apple watch, it allows me to track my steps, exercise, calories burned, and so much more!

Each of the next 10 workouts is made up of 5 or 6 exercises. You should repeat each set of exercises 3 to 5 times for a 15-30 minute workout! You only need three things for these workouts: space, a stopwatch and the discipline to get it done!

Take a look below for the fast and effective workouts you can start doing today! Tag us in your workouts on Instagram to be featured 💙.

Full body EMOM Workouts

These workouts are super quick and will target your full body! During workout number one you will be working your glutes, quadriceps, pectorals, latimuss dorsi muscles, and your lower abdominals. Workout number two will focus more on rotational core and triceps, but still glutes and quadriceps. All you need for this workout is a small space to move around in! Maybe a yoga mat if you are on hard wood or cement. EMOM workouts are a high pace style of exercise. So this workout will definitely get your heart rate up and make you work up a sweat. Do four rounds of each of these five exercises for a 20 minute full body workout! Take a break between rounds if you need to but keep it less than two minutes.

Want 8 More EMOM Workouts?

Use the button below to subscribe to our newsletter (and pick your preferences) and we will send you 8 EMOM workouts that cover upper body, lower body, core and heart rate. We share full workouts, fashion trends, health tips and more weekly in our newsletter.

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What I Use for an EMOM Workout

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Looking for More Workout Ideas?

Check out Discover The Best Exercises For Each Muscle Group. 6 Exercises per muscle group and at least three workouts for each one!

Are you looking for more specific workouts for the glutes? You can find the 6 best glute exercises and free workouts in our article!

This blog has a list of the best exercises for your back and a few of guided upper body workouts.

If ab exercises are what you are looking for check out this blog about the top 7 core workouts.

Want more heart rate workouts? Try HIIT workouts but first educate yourself with this blog post all about high intensity interval training.

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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Personally I think the deadlift is a very impressive lift. To look at a bar with hundreds of pounds on it and pull it off the ground from a dead stop is crazy. Maybe I think that because deadlift is my favorite. Or maybe it’s my favorite because I think about it in that way. I don’t know but either way I love it! And now I get to share all I know about increasing your deadlift with you.

As I said, the deadlift is my personal favorite (see the picture of me deadlifting). Probably because it’s my best lift, but I also like it because it is the simplest movement. When someone asks about the deadlift, I often say that you just have to stand up.

In reality it is way more complicated than this due to the weight. The load of the bar in front of your body pulling your shoulders forward really changes the process of standing up. To perform the most efficient deadlift, you need to stand up as normal as possible, by strengthening the muscles that are carrying the bulk of the weight. 

Let me clarify what I mean by “stand up as normal as possible”. I like to reference the position toddlers go into naturally – they keep their back flat/upright as they squat down to the ground from their hips. Now you don’t need or want to be that low, but the point is that this is our body’s normal movement pattern.

We want to move evenly with the bar by flexing and extending at our hips and knees at the same time. We do NOT want them to move separate of each other. You see that when the lifters legs are straight or almost straight and they pull the rest of the weight to lock out using their back.

In this article, I will talk about the major muscle groups in the deadlift and auxiliaries to strengthening each muscle. We will also discuss common issues, like above, and ways to help fix them. These exercises when used correctly can help improve overall strength and therefore maintain proper technique through the lift.

Primary Muscles Involved In The Deadlift

If you are looking to start deadlifting or trying to increase your numbers it is important to have a basic understanding of what muscles are being used. Let’s review the primary muscles used in the deadlift and why you want to train those muscles individually as apposed to only in the deadlift pattern.

Glutes, Hamstrings & Quadriceps The glutes and quads to extend the hips and the quads extend the knee during the accent of the deadlift.

Erector spinae & AbdominalsThese muscles resist the force of gravity to keep the back aligned and in the best positions to perform the lift. Without proper core strength, the back is more likely to arch and this will make shoulder retraction more difficult.

Trapezius & Rhomboids These muscles work together to resist the gravity on the bar to keep the shoulders retracted and lockout the shoulders on top.

Main Dysfunctions Seen During The Deadlift

Here are the outcomes we don’t want to see when performing a deadlift. I will tell you why it happens and how you can address the issue. If you can keep these points in mind during your workouts you will be able to recognize and fix the issue and be able to safely increase your deadlift.

Rounding of the Back

If your back is rounding it is caused by a loose core, or bad set up. Always make sure to starting the lift with shoulders back, chest up, and a strong core. Your set up is going to make or break your sets.

Loose Lock Out on the Top

Not locking out at the knees, hips, or shoulders is going to be a red light according the USA powerlifting federation (where we are members). The knees not locking out is often because the lifter is not paying attention. People often forget that the hip extension comes from glute flexion and core tension. Shoulder retraction is crucial to the lock out, a good set up will help with this.

Uneven Movements at the Joints

This is when your hips start moving before the shoulders. This can easily be fixed, but you might have to back-track for a bit and it will feel strange and weak. Your knees, hips, and shoulders need to move together to perform the lift the most efficiently. If your hips start moving before your shoulders, all the force at the end of the lift will be on your back.

Auxiliary Exercises That Can Help Increase Your Deadlift

If you are looking to increase your deadlift you are going to have to start including auxiliaries into your workout that address your weaknesses. Check out the list I have below of some of my favorite and most effective exercises categorized by muscle group. Try them out in your next workout and let us know what you think!

And remember that auxiliaries are used to stimulate a huge adaptation. If you aren’t pushing yourself on auxiliaries you are missing the whole point.

Exercises to Strengthen Your Glutes

  • Glute Bridge Variations
  • Hip Thrusts

Exercises to Strengthen Your Hamstrings

  • Straight Leg DeadLifts
  • Hamstring Curl Variations

Exercises to Strengthen Your Quadriceps

  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Lunges
  • Squats

Exercises to Strengthen Your Erector Spinae

  • Back Extensions
  • Super Man
  • Bird Dogs

Exercises to Strengthen Your Trapezius

  • Face Pulls
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Pull ups

Exercises to Strengthen Your Rhomboids

  • Reverse Flys
  • Seated Rows

Exercises to Strengthen Your Abdominals

  • Deadbugs
  • Toe Touches
  • Leg Raises
  • V – Sit

Core strength is integral to your deadlift performance. Focus your attention on building a strong core and following a consistent training schedule and your deadlift (and other lifts) will common along. Do the opposite and you will likely experience plateaus and injuries. Check out this article on why training your core is essential.  And take a look at all of our core workout videos here.

My favorite ab focused exercises:

  • Ab Wheel – work up to 5 sets of 20 before adding resistance, like a plate on your back. Make sure you have a full range of motion and proper form before adding resistance.
  • Plank – any and all variations are excellent. Be sure to hold your form when you add movement. The low back can not sag or arch. Upper body mountain climbers are a great finisher, or to failure exercise.
  • Decline Bench Sit-Ups – there are many variations you can use to target unilaterally, rotation or upper body. A good goal to start with is 20 full sit-ups for 5 sets.

Auxiliary Deadlift Workout

Key Points During Deadlift Exercise To Help

Remember to keep your core engaged. Keeping the core engaged will help protect your back to ensure that everything stays tight and will help keep your back flat throughout the lift. This means that if the core is engaged it is helping to keep your torso straight and taking some of the pressure away from the back and to also not allow it to become rounded during the lift.

Your knees, hips, and shoulders need to move together to perform the lift most efficiently. An imbalance in this will increase the risk of injury and decrease the amount of weight you will be able to lift.

Other Main Lifts

Because of my powerlifting background I associate deadlift with the other two main lifts of powerlifting. Which are bench and deadlift.. They each contain their own unique muscular demands, but the philosophy behind training is no different. I have put together an article just like this one on the squat and the bench. Follow the links below to get specific information you can start applying to your workouts today.

How to Increase Your Back Squat

How to Increase Your Bench

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Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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12 Exercises for a Total Body At Home Workout

12 Exercises for a Total Body At Home Workout

One of the number one excuses that I (and many others) have used for not being able to get a workout in is saying, “There just is not enough time to get to the gym”. Yes, even though I work at a gym, I can find it difficult to stay that extra hour when things at home need my attention. A lot of us are faced with the same dilemma that has existed for a long time: busy schedules that don’t leave any time to get in a workout. Even if that is not the case, gyms are tough to get into and feel comfortable. An at-home workout theoretically sounds great, but buying equipment is expensive and what would you even do?

This post will take you through 12 exercises broken up into lower body, upper body and core. This will not be an everyday workout, but can maybe this will be the kick start you need to ease back into the workout routine!



  • Although we always talk about loading our posterior leg muscles, we can’t forget about those quads! Step-ups are a great exercise to not only burn out those quads, but also add a bit of heart rate. Simple and effective!

Bulgarian Split Squat

  • One of the toughest leg exercises to me personally! This exercise forces you to incorporate every lower body muscle you have to help you out of the bottom of the split squat position. Having your foot elevated on your chair just adds to the difficulty.

Squat to a Chair

  • I love this exercise because it forces you to hit the same depth every time. By making sure you tap your glutes to the chair and burst back up can add some great work in for those quads and glutes. For an added challenge, you can do an eccentric 5 count down to the chair to work your muscle differently or add some resistance.

Elevated Glute Bridge

  • The glute bridge is one of our favorite exercises in the gym to encourage glute engagement and work our posterior leg muscles. By adding the elevation, it increases the difficulty of the exercise. For an even greater difficulty you can add a band above the knees or go single leg!


Incline Push-Ups

  • Push-ups can be a difficult exercise from the ground for most, due to a large load on your biceps and anterior shoulder. By using your chair to elevate your hands it can make it easier to do more reps that you thought possible! Or, say push-up are too easy for you? Then try putting your feet on the chair and doing decline push-ups to have gravity working against you!

Tricep Dips

  • To work those triceps a bit, this is a great exercise to utilize that chair to target this muscle group! The further out you have those legs, the more difficult it is going to be. This will burn out those triceps pretty quick, however!

3-Point Bent Over Row

  • Using the chair to have one hand on and using a resistance to row to your chest in the other this is a great posterior shoulder exercise! If you do not have any weights, try using a gallon of milk or a paint can. During this one, be sure to focus on shoulder retraction.

Seated Single Arm Overhead Press

  • One of the best parts of the workout, sitting down! This one is great for isolating each shoulder as it works to press the resistance of your choice overhead. Try facing your palm in different directions (forward, neutral, toward you) to give your shoulder muscles different work!


Paused Bicycle Crunches

  • All of the core can be done on the floor, but I suppose this one could be done on the couch too! Similar to a normal bicycle crunch, this exercise can encourage great core engagement. By pausing as your leg is extended, you force yourself to slow down and feel that good core burn!

V-Sit Tuck

  • This one can be done right on the chair! By sitting in that V position and tucking your legs in and out, you can create some great concentric work for your abdominals. For an added challenge, extend your legs from side to side! Be sure to stop the exercise if you experience any low back pain.

Side Plank Hip Taps

  • For this core exercise, you will need to head to the floor. As you hold a plank position, tap your hip toward the ground in order to get some great oblique work. Doing so while holding the plank works your abdominals isometrically as well!

Shifting Plank

  • Similar to the previous exercise, you will be in a plank position. By shifting your weight in front of your shoulders and then behind it creates a more difficult version of the regular plank! The slower and steadier you control your body back and forth, the more intense the burn.


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Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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Fast Workouts For Everyday

Have you ever set yourself a really aggressive short-term goal? I mean like 20 things on a to do list when there is really only time to do 5 things?

Well, I am here to tell you that you are not alone. This behavior is something that I have struggled with my entire life. It crosses over into everything I do – personally and professionally. Mike, my husband, always calls me a slave driver when I tell him what’s on the list for the weekend. As a child my parents lovingly told me that I would make a great third world dictator when I grew up.

I guess I come by it naturally.

Knowing that doesn’t eliminate this tendency from my personality. However, as I’ve matured and confirmed my loved ones are in fact correct, I have tried to curb my aggressive short-term goal habit. One of the ways I do that is by setting REALISTIC goals based on the time I have in the day not my desire to get projects done.

One area of my life that I find easy to throw into the “back seat” is my workouts. I know I am a trainer and that probably sounds ridiculous. But we are human too. We struggle with the same things everyone else struggles with.

Exercises is also an area of my life I can’t function without. I am just irritable, obnoxious and unhappy when I don’t workout. Which means I make everyone else around me feel irritated, annoyed and unhappy. So I have to make it priority. For the sake of my marriage, my relationships and my happiness. I like to use fast workouts occasionally to help me blow off some steam. They give me some much needed self-love and don’t increase my stress because of the time commitment.


This is why I LOVE the idea that is trending around town of “alphabet workouts”. They are so simple, can be done anywhere and leave you no room for excuses (hopefully). But what is an alphabet workout? You saw the image at the top of this article right? Maybe you even found this article because you clicked on that very image. THAT is an alphabet workout

We developed a list of exercises, where each exercise represents a letter of the alphabet. Then we will post a word of the week for you and everyone else who needs a FAST workout to use. The spelling of that word is used to select the exercises and the order.

You can do 1 round, 3 rounds or 5 rounds. Whatever you can do based on the time you have.

You can also use the same word or workout several times in the same week. Giving you multiple times to release some stress.

Heck, you can even make up your own words and do this entirely on your own or with your friends and family.

All we care about is that you feel good about doing it. Otherwise, why do it at all?!

Save the image here!

This week’s word is PURE FITNESS.

That means you are doing: 10 forward raises, 20 bent over rows, 1 minute wall sit, 20 alternating reverse lunges, 1 minute of jumping jacks, 20 high plank shoulder taps, 20 toe touches, 2o Russian twists, 20 alternating reverse lunges, 10 reverse flys & 10 more reverse fly.

Go through it once, twice or as many times as you can!


Dead Bugs – While laying on your back with your legs and arms straight up, extend your right leg and left arm, move them back into the straight up position and then extend the opposite limbs. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to avoid a painful arch in the back.

Pushups – These can be performed from your knees or toes. Position your hands outside your shoulders and bend your elbows to 90 degrees.

V Sit – Sit back on your sit bones with your knees tucked towards your chest. Extend your legs and arms out then pull back into the starting position.

Side Plank W/ Crunch – In the side plank position crunch your core and bring your top elbow and knee together.

Alternating Reverse Lunge – Standing feet together reach one leg back and sit into a lunge position. Try for a 90 degree angle in both legs.

Jumping Jacks – Starting feet together and arms at your side, jump your legs out laterally while also raising your arms laterally to a comfortable height.

Burpees – Start standing up right, drop down into the push up position, jump your legs back up towards your hands, jump into the air.

High Plank Shoulder Taps – Hands under your shoulders and back as flat as possible and feet wide to avoid rotation at the hips. Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and then your left hand to your right shoulder.

Bicep Curls – Standing comfortably with good posture weights at your sides, flex your bicep with palms up and bring the weights towards your shoulders. Avoid movement in the elbows.

Penguins – On your back, knees bent towards your butt. Pull your shoulders off the ground and reach your fingers towards your toes alternating sides.

Lateral Raises – Standing up right knees slightly bent, start with your hands at your side with weight and lift the weights laterally about shoulder height. Keep a slight bend in the knee.

Arnold Press – Standing up right knees slightly bent, hold your elbows out in front of your body, rotate your elbows out to your sides and then press the weight over head. Your palms should start facing you and face out as you finish the press.

Russian Twist – Hold the V Sit with a weight at your chest, rotate your torso and touch the weight to the ground at your side, then do the same on the opposite side.

Hammer Curls – Bicep Curls – Standing comfortably with good posture weights at your sides, flex your bicep with palms facing in and bring the weights towards your shoulders. Avoid movement in the elbows.

Forward Raises – Standing up right, knees slightly bend, raise your hands forward to shoulder height. You should have a slight bend in your elbow.

Plank Shifts – Elbows on the ground under shoulders, and back flat, shift shoulders in front of elbows and then behind.

Wall Sit – With your back flat against the wall, lower your body down into a squat position, aim for a 90 degree angle at your knees.

Reverse Fly – In a slightly bent over position, weight in front of you and elbows slightly bent, retract your shoulders and raise your hands to shoulder height.

Toe Touches – On your back with your legs straight in the air, reach your fingertips towards your toes while crunching your core and bringing your shoulders off the ground.

Bent Over Rows – Knees slightly bent, and torso leaning forward, let weight hang down and then retract shoulders to pull the weight towards your chest

Planks – Either and your elbows or hands, shoulders over your base, and core engaged to avoid a dip in your back.

Wood Choppers – One weight in your hands, rotate your body to bring the weight above one shoulder, and then rotate the opposite way and control the weight across the body to the opposite knee.

Squat Jumps – Squat down to a comfortable depth then explode out of the hole and jump into the air. Arms come down as you squat and can be used as momentum to propel you upward.

Split Squat Jumps – In the split squat or lunge positions, with knees at or above 90 degrees, jump into the air and land in the beginning position.

Plank Dips – In an elbow plank, with shoulders over elbows and back flat, rotate hips to one side and then the other.




