I am a big believer in the saying, “if you are going to do something, do it well”. And to me that means giving 100% effort. My workouts are no different and I don’t think yours should be either.

But I am not talking about killing yourself in your workout.

Instead, I am ALMOST talking about the opposite.

What I want to share with you is how to get more out of what you are already doing. If you like high intensity 20 minute workouts, then apply these technique tips and you will feel better. But if you like a slower paced workout with more rest built in, then apply these techniques and get more results.

Below I have my top 5 technique tips for you to get the most out of your workouts listed. I am not kidding when I say this is exactly what I think about and it is HOW I coach my clients. Plus I linked all my outfit details and you can see my most motivating workout partner, Freddy 🤍.


Proper weight distribution in your foot is a key to muscle firing patterns in your lower body. And 99.9% of the time the right choice is to keep your weight mid foot to heel.

What does mid foot to heel mean? Imagine a line going through the laces of your sneakers and then making a 90 degree turn back to your heel. Your weight should be even between those points.

Using a proper mid foot to heel load should help you activate your lower body posterior chain – glutes + hamstrings. You will know you are doing this right when you feel the even distribution of weight in your feet and a burn in your glutes and hamstrings.

It is important to note that your toes should be in contact with the ground. I see too many people pulling their toes off the ground to keep their weight in the mid foot – heel. Picking up your toes all the time will have a negative impact on your balance and muscle firing patterns.

You can read more about training your glutes, hamstrings and quads by clicking on each word to find a list of the best exercises for each muscle.



It is so hard for me to pick just one of these tips as my favorite. They are each important in their own way. And in this case scapular retraction and stability are huge for get the most out of your upper body workouts and improving your posture.

Before you do any upper body movement – bicep curls, pull-ups, front raises, planks, literally any and all of them – you should be considering the involvement of your scapula in performing the movements correctly.

You will likely need to be retracting your scapula to some extent. Now, that could be a neutral position like on a bicep curl or it could be retracting them to a full pinch like at the start of ALL pulling movements.

I like to tell my clients to push their chest to the weight, by pinching their shoulder blades, when doing pulling movements. And to have a proud starting posture even for lower body movements like lunges.

The catch is always to maintain a neutral spine. You do not want to pinch your shoulder blades and arch your lower back. Your core should be engaged to keep a neutral spine position as you move.

Appropriately using scapular retraction and stability while exercising will help to improve your posture, increase strength gains and can even help alleviate some neck, shoulder and back pain.

You can learn more about improving your posture with this article.

More information on relieving low back pain can be found here.

A short list of the best back exercises (scapular retraction) can be found in this article.

personal trainer mequon wisconsin


This might be my broken record phrase and for good reason. Your core is your foundation, it is what provides us the ability to move. Keeping a strong and engaged foundation through all movement will result in better movement.

You will experience better results in the strength department, increase likelihood of using the right muscles and decreased discomfort. All because you kept your core tight.

And to clear up some common misconceptions about engaging your core … I am not talking about sucking in your belly, nor am I talking holding your breath.

If you have a second lay on your back for a quick example. First I want you to try and just suck your belly. And then try to breath normally and make any movement. Weird and hard right?

Now, try to engage your core and brace into the ground. Use the ground as a resistance you are trying to get your core to work against.

Do you see how they are different? And how much more core work you feel bracing versus sucking in? And it is easier to breath, right?

To round out this (brief) discussion, most muscles, including the abdominals, don’t actually get smaller upon contraction. Rather they get firm and more pronounced. So sucking in your belly to engage your core doesn’t make sense. What other muscles do we suck in?

I recommend my client use a core activation and engagement exercise as part of their warm-ups. But if this is something they really struggle with we practice. We find movements that allow them to keep their core engaged and challenges them to stimulate an adaptation.

If the core bracing exercise above was hard slow add in movement from one limb at a time and get more diverse as weeks go on. I like to start with deadbugs and the many variations that can be created for all clients.

You can read more about our favorite warm-up here. And get more information on training your core the right way in this article.

personal trainer mequon wisconsin


My clients come in looking for different results. Athletic performance, weight loss, pain management, slow down the aging process, improve their lifestyle, manage stress … and the list goes on. No matter what their goal is, we put a high priority on range of motion.

The progression for all clients is to improve and establish proper range of motion. At all joints. Then build stability and finish it off with power and strength. That isn’t always linear for every part of the body, but it is the philosophy I apply to all my clients for some pretty great results.

Assuming you do not have any major orthopedic issues or injuries you should be focusing on working in a full range of motion. Quarter squats are a thing that drive me crazy. Yes, an argument can be made for them in some people’s programming. But only if you are 95% of the time using a full squat range of motion.

That holds true for all movements – upper, lower and core. We want to be working in a full range of motion as often as possible. For my clients (and myself) I use the TRX as a tool to de-load or assist a movement enough to achieve a full range of motion.

When done correctly, over time, your range of motion will increase, and your muscle firing patterns within that range of motion will improve. This will result in improved stability and strength, decreased chronic pain and discomfort and improved physique.

You can read more about how to use the TRX to increase your range of motion and stability in this article.

If you do have orthopedic issues or injuries, you should consult a professional – physical therapist or personal trainer before trying anything.



Very early in my career I was doing some research on body building and figure competitions. I was fascinated by the training that went into achieving the associated physiques and I wanted to know more.

The best nugget of information was from a coach that essentially told me if you can’t think of a muscle and flex it, then you can’t train it. He went on to explain that he has his clients stand in front of mirrors and practice engaging muscles. That posing practice was more than specific positions.

I was blown away by the simplicity of his statement. He summed it up so well.

Now I don’t expect my clients to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and flex their muscles. But I find this applicable to EVERY point I listed above. Connecting your mind to what your body is doing in exercise will improve your results.

In order to keep the load mid foot to heel during movement and keep your toes down, you need to think about it.

If you are really going to start every pulling motion with scapular retraction and NOT arch your lower back, you need to think about it.

Properly engaging your core and maintaining it throughout movement will require you to think about it.

And working in a full range of motion with the correct muscles firing will require you to think about it.

The good news is the more you practice, the easier it gets. Try not to get caught up in how much harder it is today and think about where you will be in a year from now with consistent practice.


Now, PLEASE, take my five tips and start applying them. I promise you will feel the difference. These tips are why I can get as much out of a 10-minute workout as people get out of a 50 minute workout.

Keep in mind – quality over quantity, and long-term over short-term.


Some of the links below are commissionable links. There is no increase price for you and your support is greatly appreciated.

I am loving these Old Navy Joggers – they are incredible soft, high-waisted and breathable. Now, I wouldn’t go for a run in them, but they are perfect for workouts at home or at the gym. And this top is new from Target, love the colors and the cropped fit.

And for all of those who love a good deal, I used Rakuten to shop my whole look and earn cash back. You can earn $20 cash back after your first purchase. Click here to learn more.

Have a great day!



Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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My morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. I find a smooth and stress-free morning improves my energy levels and vibe for the day.

I have always been a creature of habit. But since having a baby I have identified the habits that help me stay organized and accomplished. I stay very disciplined on those habits because that feeling of organization keeps me calm and focused. A huge benefit as a mom and as a professional.

These five actions are essentially a blend of my evening and morning routine. Because I have learned that in order for my morning routine to go well, I need a rock-solid evening routine supporting it.

fitness blogger mequon wisconsin


If there is one thing you take from me today, let it be the words directly above. That’s why it is first on the list! Increase the odds that people who are skimming the article or won’t read all five actions will at least read, in my opinion, the best action.

So, what do I mean by prepare the night before?

Simple, do the things that you might skip in the morning. Or the things that you might try to squeeze in. Or the things that always seem to make you late or stressed.

For me that takes running down what the morning will look like. When I need to get up to get all the things done, I want to get done. And if that list is too long that means I need to do some of it the night before.

Often times that is packing my lunch, laying out my clothing and writing a list so I don’t forget. I know it sounds ridiculous, but somedays I need multiple meals at work or substantial snacks depending on my schedule. Planning them out by reviewing my calendar and writing my day out helps.

I love to use our fitness + lifestyle journal to help me keep track of my days. Take a look at my blog on daily accountability to learn more about it.


Yes, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

I think it is important because it signifies a priority of taking care of myself as one of my first actions of the day. It puts me before my work. Fuels me to be a better mom and a better professional.

Giving yourself time to eat, without trying to answer e-mails or troubleshoot, creates a sense of calmness as I approach the day. And who knows, I may not get another meal like that all day.

And in effort of full transparency, I eat two breakfasts. I generally eat fruit shortly after waking up. Which in my world makes it easier to have a quiet breakfast all to myself.

fitness blogger mequon wisconsin


I know I said that the first action was my most important, but this might have to be a tie. I just don’t know that everyone else struggles with this as much as I do.

Everything takes longer than you think. Let’s say that again. Everything takes longer than you think.

When you think I’ll just throw everything I need in my bag in the morning and that’ll take a minute. You are wrong. It’ll take longer or it’ll be a chaotic mess when you get to work, and you’ll have to deal with it then.

Silly example, but tasks take longer than we think. Be realistic about what you can actually get done in the morning. Preparing the night before will help. And then you won’t feel like you have to hit the ground running the moment your eyes open.


I am not endorsing staying up all night to just get things done. But closing the books on things from the day before will help lower your morning stress.

Having a clean kitchen is one of my biggest clean slate items. Waking up and seeing that everything is in its place is calming and energizing for me.

I don’t have feel dragged down by the thought of “when am I going to have time to clean this”? Or the guilty/angry feeling of “I should have done this last night.”

Another big clean slate item is to close the books on work. I find packing my work bag the night before, even if I am not leaving the house, to be helpful.

It creates separation for those of us who work from home. It cleans up my workspace. And it gives me time to intentionally prepare for the next day. I will review my list of items to get done that day and evaluate the realistic (or unrealistic) goals and set the tasks for the day. Put it all away and I’m done.

This is not only calming for me for the next morning, but also for the evening. I can be a better wife, mom and just happier for myself.

fitness blogger mequon wisconsin


I am not here to tell you to go to bed by 9 pm every night. That would be ridiculous. I have no idea what your lifestyle is like.

I am also not here to tell you that you need 8 hours of sleep every night. Most research says people function best off of 6-8 hours and that varies by person. But do know that quality of sleep is very important, maybe more than quantity.

Being able to close the books on the day as a whole can help to clear your mind. And a clear mind at bedtime is connected to better quality sleep. That’s why you’ll catch me checking my lists even on the weekends.

Going to bed on time means that you have an awareness for what will be best for you. You are being intentional about getting rest, being realistic and prioritizing yourself.

If you are looking for some more inspiration for setting your own routine give this article a read. You’ll come away with some good ideas to try implementing like stretching to calm down before getting in bed.


I don’t want to leave you with the impression that I do this all 100% of the time. I believe habits are wonderful, but they should be flexible. We should be flexible.

If what I need is more time with my family or friends to help “fill my cup” then that’s what I prioritize. Because all of this is about prioritizing myself, creating a nice little system that I feel the best within.

I hope that by sharing my actions for a less stressful morning they will in some way help you. Maybe you try one or two of them and they help. But maybe you try a few and you hate it. Either way you tried and know what may or may not work for you.

AND I put together my 5 best tips to get the most out of your next workout. I cover upper, lower and core techniques that can change the way you feel and move. Enjoy!

fitness blogger mequon wisconsin

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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The word toning is constantly in the media, but what does it actually mean? It could mean muscle definition, or lean muscle, a low body fat percentage, or slim hips and shoulders, or even long legs. The thing is that it comes down to perspective. 

If you asked 100 people what toning means there would be a wide variety of answers. I am here to tell you that toning is the result of increased muscle definition and decreased body fat. Period. Based on your build this will appear differently.

You cannot beat genetics. Your height, the width of you shoulders, hip size cannot be changed through exercise and diet. But you can control your body fat and lean muscle mass. Although, you may not love the lifestyle that is required. You can read more about the relationship between fitness + weight loss in a recent blog post. The role of genetics and the media are clearly discussed. 

Let’s talk more about how the media, nutrition and resistance training can impact you goals of toning your physique. 

And I share my outfit details at the bottom 🙂

tricep extension for tonig


Every where you look there is a friend, trainer, influencer telling us the secret to a toning. Promising that all we have to do is 5 specific body weight exercises for the best results. 

In reality, there is no scientific proof that there are 5 specific best toning exercises. It is just their opinion. And some opinions might be based on a significant amount of experience and others on just fluff. 

Let’s also remember that achieving a toned appearance is the result of your perspective. And that very perspective has been cultivated over years of experience and exposure. Both in real life and the media. 

It is very easy for a person who carries low body fat and high muscle tone, due to their genetics, to put together a video of their favorite exercises. And for you to fall victim to believing it really is that easy. 

lat pull down for toning


There is a misconception that lifting weights for women will cause a bulky appearance and that only body weight exercises should be used for a toned appearance. Here is the fact, you are limiting your potential by only doing body weight exercises. 

As I said above, toning is the result of increased muscle definition and decreased body fat. Increased muscle definition comes from muscle hypertrophy. And muscle hypertrophy comes from a load being applied to the muscle. A load like weights + resistance. 

And just a little PSA – if you are doing core exercises in hopes of burning body fat in you abdominal region, stop. I am sorry to tell you, but you cannot spot reduce fat. 

Don’t stop doing core exercises, but stop thinking that it is the way to reduce your abdominal fat. You will end up frustrated because of poor results. 

As long as you are doing the core exercises correctly, you are strengthening and defining you abdominal muscles. But the decrease in body fat will need to come from a well rounded approach that includes nutrition, full body resistance training and cardio training. 

bicep curl


It is important that I make one thing clear. As a personal trainer, I cannot give advice about nutrition. My training in undergraduate school was limited. However, I can share some basic principals rooted in science to get you started. 

Before we get to those two principals I want to address nutritions role in a toned physique. Nutrition is a key component to lowering your body fat percentage and having the lean appearance that allows muscle definition to be apparent. 

Because each of our bodies are different the right diet to achieve a toned appearance can be different. It will also be different based on what your perspective of a toned physique is. The more muscle definition you want (think body builder) the more precise your nutrition will have to become. And that might not be the lifestyle you actually enjoy. 


Water intake is more important than we can really understand. I can personally feel a huge difference when I drink over 100 ounces of water in a day. I have more energy, I avoid awful headaches and my productivity is always better. 

That is because water is essential to so many functions of our bodies. Drinking enough water can help to maximize physical performance, increase brain function, and boost skin health. 


Counting calories can be effective tool for weight loss, toning and sports performance. It can also cause a load of negative side effects that can be counter productive. 

Instead of tracking quantity, I focus on the quality of the food I am consuming. I am looking to eat more whole foods and limit processed foods. I try to strike a daily balance between protein, fruits, veggies and starch. 

This is because the nutrients in good quality food will help improve your body’s performance. Allowing for better sleep, better workouts, better brain function

I highly recommend you find a qualified (licensed and/or certified) dietician or nutritionist that has experience working with the goals you have. An educated, experienced professional THAT YOU LIKE will be a game changer. If you don’t like them, or don’t have that “this is the one” feeling you should consider looking around a bit more.

And if you love to track your workouts, food and daily actions you should check out our fitness + lifestyle journal. I love using it to keep myself accountable for my fitness goals, but also my personal and professional goals.

single leg rdl for toning


On to my favorite topic, resistance training. Toning, or increased muscle definition and decreased body fat, is a direct result of consistent resistance training. 

So, to all of those people who are pledging 5 exercises for toned arms in 2 weeks, I am calling BS. A toned appearance is the result of hard work over time. I encourage you to shift your focus from where can I be next week to, where can I be this time next year. The possibilities get bigger with time. 

And just touch back on this idea that women should lift weights because it makes them bulky… women do not produce enough of the hormone testosterone to bulk up like men do. It would require intense nutritional efforts and/or steroids to get to the physique of a man.

But this ties back to perspective. For some toning is long, skinny limbs. For others it is defined shoulders and muscular thighs. 

You can download 5 of our favorite core exercises or our best glute exercises by clicking the appropriate links. 


Outside of the toned appearance you might desire, there are many other benefits to resistance training. And these are reasons alone to start a program.

  • Improve bone density
  • Reduce risk of chronic disease
  • Benefit mental health
  • Improve flexibility and mobility
  • Increase strength

For me the increased confidence, and feeling of empowerment I got from lifting weights is what made me make it a habit. There is something to be said for emotional strength you get with physical strength.

A great piece of equipment for anyone working out at home is a TRX. We recently did a month long cover on how to train with the TRX. Take a look and find the fitness inspiration you need!

shoulder press for toning


Moderate weight and high reps will aid in increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat. Remember, toning is a combination of resistance training, nutrition and cardio. You will want to consider all three as part of the same program. 


Repeat this 5 times using 10 lb dumbbells for every exercise.

  • Deadbugs 20 (one weight in each hand)
  • Glute bridge 20 (weight on hips)
  • Skull crusher and toe touch 20
  • Cursty lunge and SA shoulder press (front squat hold) 15/15
  • Toes out RDL to sumo squat 15
  • Bent over row and tricep kick back 20
  • Reverse lunge with forward press and rotation over knee 10/10
  • Flat back double extension and single extensions 10 (holding 1 DB)

muscle toning split squat


There is always a debate on whether cardio and resistance training can be done in the same session. And the answer is inevitably, it depends on the goal you are working towards. When it comes to toning, they can absolutely be combined. 

By combining cardio and resistance training you can increase calories burned with in a workout by manipulating your heart rate. It is also an effective way to improve your endurance. 

One key point I like to mention is quality of work. Don’t ever sacrifice form and range of motion just to get the work done. 

The good news is that cardio doesn’t mean you need to run 5 miles a day. Check out my blog all about “ How I get my Cardio Training Every Week”. It’s all about cardio training with out long runs or workouts.

You can read more about how to get your heart healthy cardio training done without running in this article

renegade row for toning


I covered a lot in this article, but please take away this one point. Toning is the combination of increased muscle definition and decreased body fat. Definition will come from resistance training for muscle mass and lowering your body fat. Lowering your body fat will come from nutrition, resistance training and cardio. 

If you are looking to tone up your physique this year then follow a program that covers nutrition, resistance training and cardio.


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Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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We created this journal based on how we wanted to use journals in the past. It was our intention to try and combine a journal solely designed to record your workouts with one designed to help you stay focused and prioritize your day.

The simple fact is that we were tired or feeling like we needed more than one journal to get ourselves organized and stay accountable throughout the day. We kept the design simple and functional by trying to provide enough flexible space to fit your needs. And we kept the to-do list to only three items to try and bring a realistic approach to each and avoid over-working or over committing.


daily fitness + food log


Use our journal to track all of your fitness and lifestyle goals!! Every page was designed to make holding yourself accountable a fun experience. Express yourself through color, lettering and embellishments. There is no one way to write in our journal.

You can download 5 of our favorite core exercises here

Or find our favorite glute exercises here

And definitely download our free recovery workout here.



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We like to think that our journal gives your average workout journal an upgrade by helping you understand that your health is fitness, nutrition and lifestyle work synergistically. Focusing on all three as a unit will naturally increase your accountability and results.

Take a look at Annie’s go to workout for an idea of what to do for your first workout in your new journal!


fitness and lifestyle journal


The journal opens up with an opportunity to set clear and definitive goals before flowing into week-by-week daily tracking. At the end of every week there is a space provided for you to make notes, reflect or just let your creative juices flow. Each day provides you with space to record your workouts, your water intake, plan out meals and define your daily intentions.

Take a look at Chellie’s ideas for lowering your morning stress here. Hint – the journal is a part of her system.


daily fitness + food log


We have created a system to help you to be successful. Now it is up to you to put it into practice. Make this journal part of your daily routine by ordering one today. And if you are looking for more tips on setting up a daily routine check out our recent articles on 5 DAILY HABITS FOR POSITIVITY and DAILY WELLNESS ROUTINE.

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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We have all been lost in the gym before. You start working out again, sign-up at a new gym or just don’t have your mojo. You don’t really know where to start. And it can be extremely intimidating to walk in and see everyone with their planned-out routines. They take up an entire set of dumbbells and are spread between 4 pieces of equipment. You can feel their judgmental eyes. At this point you are about ready to grab your things and head right back out the door.

Being a former athlete, I was so used to people telling me exactly what to do in the gym. Everyday I was surrounded by my teammates in our own weight room. So when it came time to work out on my own in a public gym I found it extremely intimidating. Even as an educated trainer, I still felt like I was invading on others’ territory. So how did I get past this?

Honestly, I needed direction. Even after a couple weeks there were days where I still didn’t feel confident going to the gym. But, having a plan and belief in my plan was the key to feeling confident. I want to help those of you that are currently facing the gym phobia. I want to give you my best tips to walk into the gym energized and ready to crush the workout and my go to workout!

My top tips for surviving the public gym


Scope it out before hand

This can be through a tour or just check out everything when you sign-up. Think about how you would use the gym. Having a good idea of where you are supposed to put your stuff, where all the equipment is and where to shower are going to be very helpful in making you feel comfortable!

PRO TIP: Try and do this step around the time you will be going into the gym so you can see how busy it is!

Find comfort in what you can control

Wear your favorite outfit! Put on your favorite song in your headphones. Put your hair in a cute braid. These seem small, but it can make a huge difference in your confidence heading into the gym. If you are comfortable in what you wear, it makes one less thing you need to worry about.

Here’s my favorite to the gym outfit.


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Start with something familiar

You should be doing a warm-up, so use it as an opportunity to get your mind ready for your workout. I usually like to start with either a walk on the treadmill or a muscle activation series on a mat.

But starting with something familiar will help settle any nerves you may have. They can also give you an ability to scope out the gym and find an area you will be most comfortable working out in.

If I am using the treadmill I typically do a 3-5 minute warm-up of a light to increasingly moderate pace. And when I do muscle activation I focus on glutes, core and posterior shoulder activation to help ensure those muscles are awake and ready to work.

Have a plan

Whether it is writing your workout on a piece of paper (check out our fitness + lifestyle journal), keeping it on a note on your phone or there are even apps to help track your weights and exercises! Having this readily available will help you feel confident in flowing from exercise to exercise.

Because equipment is limited in gyms, it can be difficult to always use the piece of equipment you want at the time you want. Being flexible in the order of your plan can help you get the entire workout done without feeling stressed.

You can download 5 favorite core exercises and our best glute exercises by clicking the links. They are a great place to start if you aren’t sure what to do the next time you are in the gym.

Read on to see what workouts you could try out at your first time at the gym!

Remember Your Why

When you’re in a gym full of people, it is important to remind yourself why you came to the gym to workout in the first place. Is it to impress the others around you? Is it to look like you know what you are doing? Is it to wear the cutest outfit for an Instagram post?

Most likely your answers to these questions are no. Most likely you are going to the gym to stay healthy and do what is best for your body. That goal should be reflected in your confidence walking into the gym. You are working out for you!

Sometimes finding your why isn’t as easy as everyone wants to make it sound. So if you are struggling check out how you can use the enneagram personality assessment to get more out of your workouts. I love personality assessments because I believe that they can help us better understand ourselves and get the most out of ourselves.


This is my go to workout when I need something to fall back on. Contrary to what people think, trainers also struggle with consistency. So this workout addresses key areas of the body while still being challenging.

I have laid out here a workout plan of 6 exercises with the same piece of equipment! I tried to keep it to mostly using one or two free weights so that when you get to the gym you do not have to mess with any machines.

A lot of times I have found that the dumbbells can be really crowded at the gym. I tend to drift toward the kettlebells because they are rarely taken and still have a variety of weights. You can still do a lot of great exercises using a kettlebell and just some space in the gym!

The workout below can be great for a total body workout, but if you want more cardio you can always hop on the treadmill or machine of your choice in between sets. I go for 3-5 rounds of all the exercises depending on how I am feeling and time. Give this a try the next time you are in the gym!

Even when you feel intimidated, lost or confused at the gym, keep in mind that you are there to better improve your health and wellness. Working out is done by you and for you, so don’t let others at the gym dictate how your workout goes!


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