We have all been lost in the gym before. You start working out again, sign-up at a new gym or just don’t have your mojo. You don’t really know where to start. And it can be extremely intimidating to walk in and see everyone with their planned-out routines. They take up an entire set of dumbbells and are spread between 4 pieces of equipment. You can feel their judgmental eyes. At this point you are about ready to grab your things and head right back out the door.

Being a former athlete, I was so used to people telling me exactly what to do in the gym. Everyday I was surrounded by my teammates in our own weight room. So when it came time to work out on my own in a public gym I found it extremely intimidating. Even as an educated trainer, I still felt like I was invading on others’ territory. So how did I get past this?

Honestly, I needed direction. Even after a couple weeks there were days where I still didn’t feel confident going to the gym. But, having a plan and belief in my plan was the key to feeling confident. I want to help those of you that are currently facing the gym phobia. I want to give you my best tips to walk into the gym energized and ready to crush the workout and my go to workout!

My top tips for surviving the public gym


Scope it out before hand

This can be through a tour or just check out everything when you sign-up. Think about how you would use the gym. Having a good idea of where you are supposed to put your stuff, where all the equipment is and where to shower are going to be very helpful in making you feel comfortable!

PRO TIP: Try and do this step around the time you will be going into the gym so you can see how busy it is!

Find comfort in what you can control

Wear your favorite outfit! Put on your favorite song in your headphones. Put your hair in a cute braid. These seem small, but it can make a huge difference in your confidence heading into the gym. If you are comfortable in what you wear, it makes one less thing you need to worry about.

Here’s my favorite to the gym outfit.


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Start with something familiar

You should be doing a warm-up, so use it as an opportunity to get your mind ready for your workout. I usually like to start with either a walk on the treadmill or a muscle activation series on a mat.

But starting with something familiar will help settle any nerves you may have. They can also give you an ability to scope out the gym and find an area you will be most comfortable working out in.

If I am using the treadmill I typically do a 3-5 minute warm-up of a light to increasingly moderate pace. And when I do muscle activation I focus on glutes, core and posterior shoulder activation to help ensure those muscles are awake and ready to work.

Have a plan

Whether it is writing your workout on a piece of paper (check out our fitness + lifestyle journal), keeping it on a note on your phone or there are even apps to help track your weights and exercises! Having this readily available will help you feel confident in flowing from exercise to exercise.

Because equipment is limited in gyms, it can be difficult to always use the piece of equipment you want at the time you want. Being flexible in the order of your plan can help you get the entire workout done without feeling stressed.

You can download 5 favorite core exercises and our best glute exercises by clicking the links. They are a great place to start if you aren’t sure what to do the next time you are in the gym.

Read on to see what workouts you could try out at your first time at the gym!

Remember Your Why

When you’re in a gym full of people, it is important to remind yourself why you came to the gym to workout in the first place. Is it to impress the others around you? Is it to look like you know what you are doing? Is it to wear the cutest outfit for an Instagram post?

Most likely your answers to these questions are no. Most likely you are going to the gym to stay healthy and do what is best for your body. That goal should be reflected in your confidence walking into the gym. You are working out for you!

Sometimes finding your why isn’t as easy as everyone wants to make it sound. So if you are struggling check out how you can use the enneagram personality assessment to get more out of your workouts. I love personality assessments because I believe that they can help us better understand ourselves and get the most out of ourselves.


This is my go to workout when I need something to fall back on. Contrary to what people think, trainers also struggle with consistency. So this workout addresses key areas of the body while still being challenging.

I have laid out here a workout plan of 6 exercises with the same piece of equipment! I tried to keep it to mostly using one or two free weights so that when you get to the gym you do not have to mess with any machines.

A lot of times I have found that the dumbbells can be really crowded at the gym. I tend to drift toward the kettlebells because they are rarely taken and still have a variety of weights. You can still do a lot of great exercises using a kettlebell and just some space in the gym!

The workout below can be great for a total body workout, but if you want more cardio you can always hop on the treadmill or machine of your choice in between sets. I go for 3-5 rounds of all the exercises depending on how I am feeling and time. Give this a try the next time you are in the gym!

Even when you feel intimidated, lost or confused at the gym, keep in mind that you are there to better improve your health and wellness. Working out is done by you and for you, so don’t let others at the gym dictate how your workout goes!


Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalist me is a mix of a passion for organization, functional accessibility and efficiency. More is not always better in a gym and how you select, store and use your gym equipment is the key to having a minimalistic home gym. I have picked 7 minimalistic home gym...

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Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

After many years of working out and hearing the same question, “how do you motivate yourself to workout everyday?” I have a not-so-secret secret to share… It isn't about motivation. It is about discipline.  While motivation might get you started on your fitness...

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Hey guys! I have a delicious recipe for you today – TOSTADAS!

Let’s talk about tostadas. They are amazing. It is basically an open faced hard shell taco.

What’s the best part of hardshell tacos? The crunch. You can’t argue that.

What’s the draw back to hardshell tacos? The fact that the entire taco can crack and then you have a crumbling mess in your hands, it’s all over your face and your dinner date is just shamefully shaking their head at you.

Tostadas to the rescue!

In all seriousness, these are two great spreads for your next tostadas dinner and I have some of my kitchen essential you can shop. Tell me what you think in the comments!

tostadas plated


  • Tostadas
  • Feta or cotija cheese
  • Spanish rice – i like to serve this as a side, super easy on the stovetop


tostadas plated

  • 2 avocados
  • 1 can of chickpeas
  • 2 large cloves of garlic
  • 20 sprigs of cilantro
  • Juice 1 lime
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin
  • 2 Tablespoon of olive oil
  • optional to add jalapeño if you like an extra kick!

This is possibly the easiest step. Toss everything, at once, into a blender or food processor and mix until smooth. If yours is too thick add water by the tablespoon to find your preferred consistency. This keeps really well in the fridge for a few days. We often eat left overs with chips the next day or on other dishes like breakfast burritos and southwest tortilla soup.


  • 1 c white onion diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 c sweet potato diced
  • 2 c diced tomatoes
  • 2 c salsa
  • 1 jalapeño
  • 6 oz cream cheese
  • 1 can of black beans (drained)
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil

I took this recipe from an enchilada recipe that I love (thanks Libby!). I added some jalapeño to kick it up a notch, lowered the cream cheese and added an extra simmer to let it thicken up into a better spread.

Start by sautéing the onion and garlic in olive oil for 3-5 minutes on medium heat. Add the sweet potato, tomatoes, salsa and jalapeño and bring it to a boil. Then lower it to a simmer and cover for about 40 minutes. Mash everything until smooth (relatively) and then add cream cheese and black beans. Stir and simmer for 10-15 minutes to thicken.


tostadas plated

  • 4 medium tomatoes diced
  • 1 small red onion diced
  • 1 cucumber diced (optional, but highly recommend)
  • 15 sprigs of cilantro chopped
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Sea salt to taste

Dice everything up and toss it together. This gets better with time. Pop it in the refrigerator and let the flavors mingle before eating.


Here are some of my favorite kitchen items and exactly what I used to set-up my pictures. Thank goodness for Crate and Barrel! I do earn a commission on some of these links, but there is no charge to you. Your support is appreciated! 



Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalist me is a mix of a passion for organization, functional accessibility and efficiency. More is not always better in a gym and how you select, store and use your gym equipment is the key to having a minimalistic home gym. I have picked 7 minimalistic home gym...

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Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

After many years of working out and hearing the same question, “how do you motivate yourself to workout everyday?” I have a not-so-secret secret to share… It isn't about motivation. It is about discipline.  While motivation might get you started on your fitness...

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I don’t believe that we as humans can be positive every minute of every day. To me, that is unrealistic. But I do believe we can take actions that will create positivity, stimulate good vibes and spread smiles.

That’s why I make choices throughout my day that I know create positivity for me. My days aren’t perfect and I can certainly be negative. But I find if I am consistently taking action my negative dips are short and manageable. They are less impactful emotionally + physically which means my family is happier and my productivity stays high. They are shorter and less intense which means I can stick to my routine and stay on track.

Here are my 5 actions that create positivity.

5 ways to create positivity


I am one of those people that lays in bed awake thinking of the list of things they want to get done. That list will keep me up at night and ruin the next day for me. Which is why I take a few minutes at the end of my workday or before I go to bed, to prioritize my tasks for the next day.

This gives me a clear vision of how my day will go and allows me to plan out the things that I NEED to have a good day. Like making my bed, working out, having a clean kitchen before I go to bed and sitting in complete silence for at least 5 minutes.

I love to write down my tasks. It gives me a place to refer back to and the satisfaction of crossing it off the list. That’s why I love journaling and using notebooks. They give me an outlet to get things off my mind, organize my day and keep myself accountable.

Our Fitness + Lifestyle journal is one I love using to help me keep a balance in my day. Personally, I can get distracted from the things that make me happy by allowing the things I think need to be done get in the way. Having one place to write down my to do list + workouts puts them on an equal playing field.


To me creating positivity isn’t running around smiling when you feel like crying. It is the result of your actions. Taking a moment each day to remember what you have to be thankful for and approach life with gratitude will create positivity.

Days when I feel like crying. I let myself have that feeling, but I also take time to remember the good things. After many years of practice my tears or frustrations are followed by a flood of thoughts to be thankful for.

I know you are thinking I am making it sound too easy and you aren’t right. There is no simple way for me to sum up what worked for me. And there is no way I could tell you it will work for you. But what I hope we can agree on is that framing your life with gratitude will lift your spirits.

positivity creating habits


In a world that lives for instant gratification I find comfort in long-term goals. It allows me to remember that the sum of my actions daily, weekly, monthly are what will get me to my 5-, 10- and 15-year goals.

I set some big goals at the beginning of the year using our resolution goals. I check in on those goals weekly and monthly. Not to judge my progress, but to keep my focus on where I am going. After all, not every day is rainbows and butterflies.

Long-term goals let me ask myself “does (x) support my goal”? If not, then I likely won’t do it or will stop doing it. And knowing that my actions are working towards my goal is empowering. It promotes a feeling of accomplishment, ergo positivity.



Recently I started sharing 10 minutes of movement on our IG for one simple reason. It helped me. Making sure I gave myself 10 minutes every day keeps me grounded and motivated. I thought it was something I could share to help others.

And when I say movement, I mean movement. That can be a killer workout, a stroll with your dog or mobility work. The objective is to give yourself 10 minutes without having to think about anything else.

Try not to let your worries or to-do lists creep into your 10 minutes. Keep those 10 minutes to yourself. It is also a great time to embrace gratitude if you are having trouble shutting out your thoughts!



Small things in my day have one of the biggest impacts. For example, the 10 minutes of movement. I use that when I am feeling overwhelmed or just don’t have my mojo going. But I also have basic “tasks” that when done keep me feeling calm and focused.

Many years ago I heard that top achievers make their beds every day. At the time I was certainly a last minute out of bed person and making the bed was less important than stopping to get a coffee/food on my way to work. Well, after giving it a go, 5 years later I am attached to making my bed. And I love all the pillows! Mike, not so much.

Another big one for me is clean surfaces. I don’t like a lot of things on top of counters. It just screams chaos to me and serves as a distraction. I like to have my kitchen counters clean before I go to bed. An organized workspace is a must. Unfortunately, this is a routine I continue to struggle with. And the unfinished puzzle on my kitchen table mocks me every morning.

You can read more about setting up a daily wellness routine from Annie’s perspective here. She has some great tips for morning and evening!

5 actions to be more positive


Have you ever heard that before? That you are a result of who you spend most of your time with. I’m here to share with you it was true for me. I have the pleasure of working with two of the most positive and upbeat people I have ever known – Jane + Annie.

No matter how little sleep I got the night before, or how distracted I feel, when I walk in the door and see their smiles and warm welcomes my negativity melts away. Find people who fuel your positivity and never let them go!

I’d love to hear what you do to create positivity in your life. Comment below!

5 positive habits smile

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalist me is a mix of a passion for organization, functional accessibility and efficiency. More is not always better in a gym and how you select, store and use your gym equipment is the key to having a minimalistic home gym. I have picked 7 minimalistic home gym...

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Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

After many years of working out and hearing the same question, “how do you motivate yourself to workout everyday?” I have a not-so-secret secret to share… It isn't about motivation. It is about discipline.  While motivation might get you started on your fitness...

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Hey there! We are here to talk about a balanced diet. Specifically, how can you achieve and maintain a balanced diet. If you have looked around the inter webs before you know there are a lot of recommendations like “eat a colorful plate”, “drink a glass of water before every meal”, “eat half your weight in grams of protein per day” and more. While those may be helpful, I don’t think they actually get you to a balanced diet.

Because a balanced diet is part of a much larger picture than just what is on your plate or going into your body.


  1. Understand what impacts a balanced diet.
  2. Create a foundation on which a balanced diet can thrive.
  3. Seek help from a qualified professional when appropriate.



BROCCOLIOur diet, or nutrition, is part of our lifestyle. It is a reflection of who we are and what we like to do. And it should be. My point is that changing eating habits to have a more balanced diet might not be as simple as “eating a colorful plate” because our lifestyle is made up of things like a career, our family/friends and our hobbies. And those things create our environment. They can be stressful or up-lifting, they can provide support or conflict, and they will impact your diet.

Here is a little story for you. I have been married for 3 going on 4 years. If you asked my husband when we got married if he would ever eat a primarily plant based diet he would have laughed in your face. There is no way. He was a meat and potato kind of a guy. But fast forward to today and he sat with me last night eating a vegan noodle dish telling me how good the vegetables tasted.

All of this is to say, that I didn’t set out to change his habits and he didn’t set out to change his own. When we married our environment changed. I love to cook, he doesn’t. I cook what I want because he doesn’t find menu planning fun. I don’t care for meat and never really have. So I don’t choose it. If he was left to his own devices he would have a frozen pizza a day. But since our environment is us together, trying to eat meals as a family, a heavily plant based diet is his reality.

I am in no way telling you to eat a plant based diet, but rather show you that your environment will impact your dietary choices and more. Factors like environment, past experiences, psychology, sleep, exercise, stress, emotions and more are interwind. Acknowledging the big picture will make balance more attainable.

You can read more about the relationship between fitness and weight loss in this article. There is a great pie chart that gives you perspective on exactly what you should consider when trying to lose or manage weight.



EATING WITH BABYYou might read this heading and think I’m going to list all the basic nutrition principals to follow. Like a verbal food pyramid. While that is important to a balanced diet, I am talking about something else. A support structure that you helps you build strong habits.

When I think of the support structure that has allowed me to be successful personally and professionally I think of my family + my husband, the copping strategies + skills I posses and perhaps the most important the foundation of my belief.

I have called my parents, friends and family many times with my next crazy idea. Here is a look at a couple of the conversations.

Me: I’m going to run 5 marathons in 5 days for charity. | Mom: That sounds hard, have you ever ran a marathon before? | Me: No. | Mom: Well you have the education to get yourself there and the stubbornness not to quit. Good luck!

Me: I’m going to do an IronMan. | Husband: Oh boy, have you ever swam in open water? | No. But you have, so you can teach me. | Husband: Have you ever been clipped in on a road bike before? | Me: No. But you have, so you can teach me. | Husband: Ok, but I’m not doing an IronMan.

Who you surround yourself with and who you interact with on a daily basis has a huge impact on your ability to create habits, achieve success and live a healthy lifestyle. If you are struggling to eat a balanced diet lean on your support group. They can help to reinforce good habits that will help you meet your goals.



LIFESTYLE BALANCE WITH BABYAnd if you feel lost or uncertain seek professional help. Not from a personal trainer (like me), but from a certified professional with training in what you need help with. There are nutritionist and dietitians that specialize in various areas like sports nutrition, extreme weight loss, metabolic issues and more. There are also mental health professionals that can help with your food relationship.

Annie interviewed a dietician for her perspective on where to start when trying to improves one’s diet. Read that article here. There might be an action point you can start implementing.

I encourage you to be wary of the “next best thing” being advertised. There is no one size fits all for everyone. But most of all I encourage you to find comfort with yourself and your life.

I really try to eat a balanced diet every day – whole grains, tons of veggies, good fats, fruits and protein. I am lucky I love vegetables making them easy to eat. I am not perfect. I could put away a frozen pizza in the blink of an eye and follow that up with an entire bag of tortilla chips and a jar of salsa. So I like to keep a library full of easy recipes that I can rely on for meals.

Here are my recipes (from left to right): Spicy Noodles, Mediterranean Rice Bowl, Potato Sauté, Ramen with Bok Choy, Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Pasta, Tomato Soup + Grilled Cheese.


I promise to get a recipe up for each of these soon, but follow us on Instagram for weekly recipes! Check our recipe highlight for some inspiration.

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalist me is a mix of a passion for organization, functional accessibility and efficiency. More is not always better in a gym and how you select, store and use your gym equipment is the key to having a minimalistic home gym. I have picked 7 minimalistic home gym...

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Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

After many years of working out and hearing the same question, “how do you motivate yourself to workout everyday?” I have a not-so-secret secret to share… It isn't about motivation. It is about discipline.  While motivation might get you started on your fitness...

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I am a self-proclaimed “non-runner” runner. My love isn’t for running, but for the feeling of accomplishment. I am not passionate about running, but rather the discipline it takes to get better. Running is my outlet because it is available, it is challenging and I am struggling to get better. That’s where strength training for my “non-runner” running comes in.

After years for sprinting out the door, trying to better and faster than the day before I got myself an education, Literally. I got a degree in Exercise Science. I learned the value of strength training to improve running performance and the balance between volume work and interval training.


running ironman madisonThere are many reasons why runners and “non-runner” runners should be strength training weekly. But here are my top three:

  1. Injury Prevention. I cannot count the number of running related injuries that come from OVER running. Imagine if those people just swapped 2-3 workouts a week for strength training. They likely never would have gotten shin splints or patellar tendonitis. Including strength training in a running program will help protect the body and lay the ground work to fun faster and longer.
  2. Muscular Stability and Strength Balance. Repetitive actions, such as running, put your body in a box. Demanding the same muscles and often ignoring others. Overtime the balance in your muscular system will become uneven and pain and discomfort will start before, during and after running. This will limit your ability to run. It can sideline runners for months and the pain could creep into every part of your life. Through strength training you can ensure proper muscle firing patterns and strength symmetry to keep yourself moving.
  3. Performance. You will not, I repeat you will not, find any high level runners that are not strength training. They can be sprinters, marathon runners, triathletes, professional, collegiate or aspiring. They are all strength training. But you may need to adjust your perspective of strength training. Although all of these athletes are running, they will strength train differently targeting muscular endurance or muscular strength based on their sport


foam rolling

There are many ways to warm-up and I am not here to tell you my way is the best. Instead I want to give you some options to explore and a little bit of science. First, let me tell you that warming up might take a few extra minutes, but you will feel better during and after.

The goal of a warm-up is to raise your body temperature and therefore you muscles so that they can be responsive under the stress of exercise. Part of this process should be “awakening” or activating the muscles you want to help you perform. So in the case of running we want to really warm-up our lower body and core. And typically this takes around 10 minutes.

I know you are now like this woman is crazy. She wants me to add 10 minutes on to my workout. Well if time was no issue that would be great. But you can pair one of the next three options with a SLOW start to running. Increasing your speed for the first 5 minutes of your run.

My preferred way to warm-up is through dynamic movement. I slowly increase my heart rate, body temperature and focus on using specific muscles. Although sometimes a good foam rolling session is what I need to get my feet to the street 😜. And at the very least I will do some muscle activation. Take a look at these three ways to warm-up.

  • Foam Roll: glutes, IT band, quads, hamstrings + calves
  • Muscle Activation: glute bridge, figure 4 glute bridge, deadbug, bear stance to plank
  • Dynamic Warm-Up: reverse lunge + rotate with knee drive + toe lift, lateral lunge + twist with knee drive + crunch, forward lunge + side bend with knee drive + toe lift.

If you are looking for a less running specific warm-up routine to use on strength training days or just to get your body moving check out this blog.


I have put together two strength sets, legs + core, you can try incorporating into your weekly training. My intention was to provide you a challenging program that can be done body weight or with resistance. You can also vary the repetition numbers based on your training situation.

There is a lot I want to say about selecting weight and repetitions, but it’s just too much. I’d be writing for days and there are textbooks and research papers you can read if you really want to know. But I do want to give you a few general guidelines.

First, quad dominance is extremely common in runners. Your strength program should help you avoid or manage that. That is why the exercises I have laid out show a huge focus on hamstrings and glutes. There is also a high demand on your hips and calves so I have incorporated additional movements that may make you feel uncoordinated, unbalanced or just slow. Take your time, it get’s easier.  And finally, we are trying to work in multiple planes of movement and muscle contractions to increase your stability so you can be faster and healthier.

This all goes back to what I was talking about above – muscle firing patterns and strength balance.

Second, if you are training for a long distance race you are going to want to be working in muscle endurance. That means your rep count will be higher and your weight will likely be lower. Think reps 15-20 and find a weight that allows you to finish all your reps. And if you are new to strength training, regardless of distance, start  with 8-10 reps and no weight. Make sure you are using the correct muscles and form.

That last bit goes for everyone – quality over quantity. Any exercise, no matter how great, done incorrectly (especially done incorrectly repetitively) will lead to an injury at some point.

Third, don’t trick yourself into thinking a week of strength training should change your mile splits. Results will come with consistent, long-term practice. Nothing happens overnight. But, every runner I have worked, with who started incorporating weekly strength training, felt better within a few weeks. Hold on to that thought as you hobble around after these workouts 🙃.

If you want to read a little bit about how you can use various types of interval training for your strength training check out our blogs on HIIT and Tabata. When used correctly, as described in the article (probably not what you are currently doing), they can vast improve someones cardio vascular capabilities.

And one more thing … even runners need an off-season. You should have time built in to work on your strength imbalances or weaknesses. Time to give back to your body so that you can push it further next time. A lot of progress (read: faster + healthier) is made by gaining muscular strength in the off-season and translating that newly built strength into muscular endurance. Chew on that.


  • Single Leg Hamstring Curl – try going slow on the extension to make this an eccentric exercise, add a single leg glute bridge to take it to the next level.
  • Side Step-Up with Knee Drive + Toe Lift to Curtsey Lunge – be sure to control your leg/body back down to the ground and really feel your glutes burn.
  • SL Box Squat – once you can control the entire phase down, try going slow and make this an eccentric exercise.
  • Bulgarian Split Squat with Rotation – focus on strength and stability in the bottom position as you rotate.
  • Hip Circle to Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive + Toe Lift – keep your upper body still as you perform the hip circle, really brace your core to maintain balance.


  • Runner Extensions – purposeful movements at a moderate pace, increase band resistance or reps as your strength increases.
  • Side Plank Rotate, Raise + Crunch – push the ground away through your elbow and focus on the connection of your core from hips to shoulders.
  • Bicycle to Flutter Kick – feel your low core and hip flexors fire as you keep your spine neutral and core engaged.
  • Negative Flutter Kicks – an eccentric and concentric load for your core + hip flexors, try to get as many flutters as you can before your feet get to the ground.
  • Bear Stance Kick Up + Kick Through – focus on keeping your pelvis stable as you kick up and feel the rotation through your belly button as you kick through.


Now you have read everything so far. I’m impressed. That tells me you are serious about taking care of your body as supporting your habit of running. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE cool down after running. I know I have made a big deal about every phase of running, but I have to. So many of the running related injuries or set backs I see are completely avoidable. Part of avoiding them is cooling down.

I asked you for 10 minutes of a warm-up and now I am asking you for 5 minutes of a cool down. You can hit all those muscles I talked about above with a foam roller again or you can do static stretching.

Either way you just spent some amount of time woking out (running). That means your muscles were contracting the entire time to produce the movement. Prioritizing the time to release the tension from the contractions and focus on lengthening will speed up your recovery between runs, decrease risk of injury and decrease your soreness.

Here are four of my preferred cool down static stretches: quad stretch, IT band stretch, glute/hip stretch and calf stretch.

We have a lot of information on our website about recovery. Here are just a few of my favorites: favorite cool down + 5 recovery tools to use.


I said it before, but I don’t run because it makes me happy or because I get some amazing runner’s high. The challenge is why I run. The understanding that with continued training and practice I can see how far my body will take me. Hopefully you found a little nugget or 10 in this article to take with you into your next run and training. As always contact me below if you are looking for help with your run training!

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalistic Home Gym Essentials: What You Really Need

Minimalist me is a mix of a passion for organization, functional accessibility and efficiency. More is not always better in a gym and how you select, store and use your gym equipment is the key to having a minimalistic home gym. I have picked 7 minimalistic home gym...

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Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

Discipline in Fitness: How to Achieve Your Goals

After many years of working out and hearing the same question, “how do you motivate yourself to workout everyday?” I have a not-so-secret secret to share… It isn't about motivation. It is about discipline.  While motivation might get you started on your fitness...

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