Have you ever heard of EMOM workouts? I hadn’t, but I started to see them pop up everywhere. And honestly, I thought they looked easy. Famous last words right? Man was I WRONG!! These workouts will kick your butt.

The tricky part of an EMOM workout is that each exercise has a rep count, but you only have a minute to do each exercise. Whatever time is left in the minute after you have completed your reps is your rest period. So you need to work fast (without sacrificing form) to maximize the time you have to catch your breath!

These workouts are great for when you’re short of time but still want a good workout! I really like to do EMOM workouts after a long day or when I don’t have very much motivation because I can tell myself I am going to do 4 rounds of 5 exercises and know that I will be done in exactly 20 minutes!

How to do an EMOM Workout

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Like I mentioned above, you have 1 minute to complete the reps for each exercise and the time left over is your rest. So, getting the reps done fast will increase your heart rate. I like to track my heart rate using my apple watch, it allows me to track my steps, exercise, calories burned, and so much more!

Each of the next 10 workouts is made up of 5 or 6 exercises. You should repeat each set of exercises 3 to 5 times for a 15-30 minute workout! You only need three things for these workouts: space, a stopwatch and the discipline to get it done!

Take a look below for the fast and effective workouts you can start doing today! Tag us in your workouts on Instagram to be featured 💙.

Full body EMOM Workouts

These workouts are super quick and will target your full body! During workout number one you will be working your glutes, quadriceps, pectorals, latimuss dorsi muscles, and your lower abdominals. Workout number two will focus more on rotational core and triceps, but still glutes and quadriceps. All you need for this workout is a small space to move around in! Maybe a yoga mat if you are on hard wood or cement. EMOM workouts are a high pace style of exercise. So this workout will definitely get your heart rate up and make you work up a sweat. Do four rounds of each of these five exercises for a 20 minute full body workout! Take a break between rounds if you need to but keep it less than two minutes.

Want 8 More EMOM Workouts?

Use the button below to subscribe to our newsletter (and pick your preferences) and we will send you 8 EMOM workouts that cover upper body, lower body, core and heart rate. We share full workouts, fashion trends, health tips and more weekly in our newsletter.

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What I Use for an EMOM Workout

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Looking for More Workout Ideas?

Check out Discover The Best Exercises For Each Muscle Group. 6 Exercises per muscle group and at least three workouts for each one!

Are you looking for more specific workouts for the glutes? You can find the 6 best glute exercises and free workouts in our article!

This blog has a list of the best exercises for your back and a few of guided upper body workouts.

If ab exercises are what you are looking for check out this blog about the top 7 core workouts.

Want more heart rate workouts? Try HIIT workouts but first educate yourself with this blog post all about high intensity interval training.

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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12 Exercises for a Total Body At Home Workout

12 Exercises for a Total Body At Home Workout

One of the number one excuses that I (and many others) have used for not being able to get a workout in is saying, “There just is not enough time to get to the gym”. Yes, even though I work at a gym, I can find it difficult to stay that extra hour when things at home need my attention. A lot of us are faced with the same dilemma that has existed for a long time: busy schedules that don’t leave any time to get in a workout. Even if that is not the case, gyms are tough to get into and feel comfortable. An at-home workout theoretically sounds great, but buying equipment is expensive and what would you even do?

This post will take you through 12 exercises broken up into lower body, upper body and core. This will not be an everyday workout, but can maybe this will be the kick start you need to ease back into the workout routine!



  • Although we always talk about loading our posterior leg muscles, we can’t forget about those quads! Step-ups are a great exercise to not only burn out those quads, but also add a bit of heart rate. Simple and effective!

Bulgarian Split Squat

  • One of the toughest leg exercises to me personally! This exercise forces you to incorporate every lower body muscle you have to help you out of the bottom of the split squat position. Having your foot elevated on your chair just adds to the difficulty.

Squat to a Chair

  • I love this exercise because it forces you to hit the same depth every time. By making sure you tap your glutes to the chair and burst back up can add some great work in for those quads and glutes. For an added challenge, you can do an eccentric 5 count down to the chair to work your muscle differently or add some resistance.

Elevated Glute Bridge

  • The glute bridge is one of our favorite exercises in the gym to encourage glute engagement and work our posterior leg muscles. By adding the elevation, it increases the difficulty of the exercise. For an even greater difficulty you can add a band above the knees or go single leg!


Incline Push-Ups

  • Push-ups can be a difficult exercise from the ground for most, due to a large load on your biceps and anterior shoulder. By using your chair to elevate your hands it can make it easier to do more reps that you thought possible! Or, say push-up are too easy for you? Then try putting your feet on the chair and doing decline push-ups to have gravity working against you!

Tricep Dips

  • To work those triceps a bit, this is a great exercise to utilize that chair to target this muscle group! The further out you have those legs, the more difficult it is going to be. This will burn out those triceps pretty quick, however!

3-Point Bent Over Row

  • Using the chair to have one hand on and using a resistance to row to your chest in the other this is a great posterior shoulder exercise! If you do not have any weights, try using a gallon of milk or a paint can. During this one, be sure to focus on shoulder retraction.

Seated Single Arm Overhead Press

  • One of the best parts of the workout, sitting down! This one is great for isolating each shoulder as it works to press the resistance of your choice overhead. Try facing your palm in different directions (forward, neutral, toward you) to give your shoulder muscles different work!


Paused Bicycle Crunches

  • All of the core can be done on the floor, but I suppose this one could be done on the couch too! Similar to a normal bicycle crunch, this exercise can encourage great core engagement. By pausing as your leg is extended, you force yourself to slow down and feel that good core burn!

V-Sit Tuck

  • This one can be done right on the chair! By sitting in that V position and tucking your legs in and out, you can create some great concentric work for your abdominals. For an added challenge, extend your legs from side to side! Be sure to stop the exercise if you experience any low back pain.

Side Plank Hip Taps

  • For this core exercise, you will need to head to the floor. As you hold a plank position, tap your hip toward the ground in order to get some great oblique work. Doing so while holding the plank works your abdominals isometrically as well!

Shifting Plank

  • Similar to the previous exercise, you will be in a plank position. By shifting your weight in front of your shoulders and then behind it creates a more difficult version of the regular plank! The slower and steadier you control your body back and forth, the more intense the burn.


at home workout

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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Fast Workouts For Everyday

Have you ever set yourself a really aggressive short-term goal? I mean like 20 things on a to do list when there is really only time to do 5 things?

Well, I am here to tell you that you are not alone. This behavior is something that I have struggled with my entire life. It crosses over into everything I do – personally and professionally. Mike, my husband, always calls me a slave driver when I tell him what’s on the list for the weekend. As a child my parents lovingly told me that I would make a great third world dictator when I grew up.

I guess I come by it naturally.

Knowing that doesn’t eliminate this tendency from my personality. However, as I’ve matured and confirmed my loved ones are in fact correct, I have tried to curb my aggressive short-term goal habit. One of the ways I do that is by setting REALISTIC goals based on the time I have in the day not my desire to get projects done.

One area of my life that I find easy to throw into the “back seat” is my workouts. I know I am a trainer and that probably sounds ridiculous. But we are human too. We struggle with the same things everyone else struggles with.

Exercises is also an area of my life I can’t function without. I am just irritable, obnoxious and unhappy when I don’t workout. Which means I make everyone else around me feel irritated, annoyed and unhappy. So I have to make it priority. For the sake of my marriage, my relationships and my happiness. I like to use fast workouts occasionally to help me blow off some steam. They give me some much needed self-love and don’t increase my stress because of the time commitment.


This is why I LOVE the idea that is trending around town of “alphabet workouts”. They are so simple, can be done anywhere and leave you no room for excuses (hopefully). But what is an alphabet workout? You saw the image at the top of this article right? Maybe you even found this article because you clicked on that very image. THAT is an alphabet workout

We developed a list of exercises, where each exercise represents a letter of the alphabet. Then we will post a word of the week for you and everyone else who needs a FAST workout to use. The spelling of that word is used to select the exercises and the order.

You can do 1 round, 3 rounds or 5 rounds. Whatever you can do based on the time you have.

You can also use the same word or workout several times in the same week. Giving you multiple times to release some stress.

Heck, you can even make up your own words and do this entirely on your own or with your friends and family.

All we care about is that you feel good about doing it. Otherwise, why do it at all?!

Save the image here!

This week’s word is PURE FITNESS.

That means you are doing: 10 forward raises, 20 bent over rows, 1 minute wall sit, 20 alternating reverse lunges, 1 minute of jumping jacks, 20 high plank shoulder taps, 20 toe touches, 2o Russian twists, 20 alternating reverse lunges, 10 reverse flys & 10 more reverse fly.

Go through it once, twice or as many times as you can!


Dead Bugs – While laying on your back with your legs and arms straight up, extend your right leg and left arm, move them back into the straight up position and then extend the opposite limbs. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to avoid a painful arch in the back.

Pushups – These can be performed from your knees or toes. Position your hands outside your shoulders and bend your elbows to 90 degrees.

V Sit – Sit back on your sit bones with your knees tucked towards your chest. Extend your legs and arms out then pull back into the starting position.

Side Plank W/ Crunch – In the side plank position crunch your core and bring your top elbow and knee together.

Alternating Reverse Lunge – Standing feet together reach one leg back and sit into a lunge position. Try for a 90 degree angle in both legs.

Jumping Jacks – Starting feet together and arms at your side, jump your legs out laterally while also raising your arms laterally to a comfortable height.

Burpees – Start standing up right, drop down into the push up position, jump your legs back up towards your hands, jump into the air.

High Plank Shoulder Taps – Hands under your shoulders and back as flat as possible and feet wide to avoid rotation at the hips. Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and then your left hand to your right shoulder.

Bicep Curls – Standing comfortably with good posture weights at your sides, flex your bicep with palms up and bring the weights towards your shoulders. Avoid movement in the elbows.

Penguins – On your back, knees bent towards your butt. Pull your shoulders off the ground and reach your fingers towards your toes alternating sides.

Lateral Raises – Standing up right knees slightly bent, start with your hands at your side with weight and lift the weights laterally about shoulder height. Keep a slight bend in the knee.

Arnold Press – Standing up right knees slightly bent, hold your elbows out in front of your body, rotate your elbows out to your sides and then press the weight over head. Your palms should start facing you and face out as you finish the press.

Russian Twist – Hold the V Sit with a weight at your chest, rotate your torso and touch the weight to the ground at your side, then do the same on the opposite side.

Hammer Curls – Bicep Curls – Standing comfortably with good posture weights at your sides, flex your bicep with palms facing in and bring the weights towards your shoulders. Avoid movement in the elbows.

Forward Raises – Standing up right, knees slightly bend, raise your hands forward to shoulder height. You should have a slight bend in your elbow.

Plank Shifts – Elbows on the ground under shoulders, and back flat, shift shoulders in front of elbows and then behind.

Wall Sit – With your back flat against the wall, lower your body down into a squat position, aim for a 90 degree angle at your knees.

Reverse Fly – In a slightly bent over position, weight in front of you and elbows slightly bent, retract your shoulders and raise your hands to shoulder height.

Toe Touches – On your back with your legs straight in the air, reach your fingertips towards your toes while crunching your core and bringing your shoulders off the ground.

Bent Over Rows – Knees slightly bent, and torso leaning forward, let weight hang down and then retract shoulders to pull the weight towards your chest

Planks – Either and your elbows or hands, shoulders over your base, and core engaged to avoid a dip in your back.

Wood Choppers – One weight in your hands, rotate your body to bring the weight above one shoulder, and then rotate the opposite way and control the weight across the body to the opposite knee.

Squat Jumps – Squat down to a comfortable depth then explode out of the hole and jump into the air. Arms come down as you squat and can be used as momentum to propel you upward.

Split Squat Jumps – In the split squat or lunge positions, with knees at or above 90 degrees, jump into the air and land in the beginning position.

Plank Dips – In an elbow plank, with shoulders over elbows and back flat, rotate hips to one side and then the other.


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Training your core is so much more than sit-ups and crunches. The approach you take to training your core is like laying the foundation for a house to built upon. Do it poorly and the house won’t last. BUT if you prioritize the foundation and put time, energy and effort into it the house will last. Keep reading and learn more about why your core is the foundation and how you should be training.


Many people are on the search for their “perfect summer body”. This often starts with the illusive six-pack that many are chasing. An accessory for their favorite summer outfit. But is the 5-minute ab workout the right fit?

I think it is important to state that I have been in that exact scenario in years past. Googling workouts to find a quick fix on how to get there in 2 weeks. Contrary to popular belief, this cannot be attained. Even the 50 crunches a day and the 5- minute ab workout won’t do it in 2 weeks. I want to offer you a new perspective on core. I want to show you what building a strong core means and does for you.


Yes, doing ab exercises can build strength in your abdominal muscles just as doing bicep curls strengthens your biceps. However, looking at this as the key to your swimsuit body is only a snapshot of the picture. The hard truth is that our core is essential to our general existence. We wouldn’t be able to stand up and walk around without core muscles.

Your core is more than just your abdominal muscles. It includes not only your “six pack” (rectus abdominus), but all of the muscles that are in the trunk of your body like your back, hips, and glutes just to name a few. Training the core as a whole can bring many benefits such as:

  • Reduced back pain due to proper activation of abdominal muscles
  • Increase in stability and balance through strong core
  • Teaching the body to engage the core in everyday activities (yard work, lifting groceries, etc.) 

If your swimsuit body needs a six pack to go along with it, you will need to hit the kitchen. The gym is not likely the only “missing link”. But remember you do have one, because our core is our foundation. The stronger it is the healthier you are. Regardless of whether you can see it or not.


Here are some of the favorite and effective core exercises we love at Pure Fitness. Bonus is that you can do them at home. Side note, there are a significant number of variations for each of the exercises below. These are a good starting point to train your core in a variety of planes of movement an under different loads.

Dead Bugs For Training Your Core

This is definitely my go-to exercise for helping people learn to engage their core. This position allows us to teach people how to engage their core and stabilize their low back/pelvis, preventing extension and flexion of the spine, while limbs are moving. 

Focus on keeping your back motionless and driven into the ground as you move arms and legs. Any arching of the back away from the ground should be considered as a failed rep. Try to reset your core, brace into the ground and begin moving again. Remember that you are in control of the range of motion. You can always shorten or modify range of motion to ensure quality of reps. Then over time you can increase the range of motion as you become stronger.

For an easier modification bend your knees and for a harder modification hold a light weight in each of your hands.

We consider this a gold standard of core exercise!

Elbow Plank For Training Your Core

A simple, but effective isometric exercise that not only engages your abdominal muscles, but your shoulders as well. I personally love planks to work on stability. It is easy to feel/see when you are working through your back as your hips sink and abdominals extend.

Focus on keeping your hips tucked up so that your low back does not arch. With tucked hips, you will notice that your low abdominals really turn on and help stabilize your body.

I encourage you to think of your core as including your glutes and shoulders on this exercise. Pay attention to both and everything in the middle to get the most out of your elbow plank.

Side Plank + Crunch For Training Your Core

I always love using this combination exercise that can work in two actions, isometric and concentric. A great exercise for working your obliques and uses your bottom glute to support as well! Remember our core is hips to shoulders, training them synergistically is important!

If you struggle with holding a side plank we suggest you focus on properly holding a side plank before adding the crunch. You can also modify this exercise so the bottom knee is bent and resting on the ground. This will make the side plank portion easier and hopefully allow you to incorporate the crunch successful. BUT don’t give up on side planks. You’ll still need to practice them to build up your strength.

V-Sit Hold For Training Your Core

A different way to work isometrically by really isolating your abdominal muscles. This exercise will show you if you are working through your core or your back. Many people do v-sits with constant back pain. If you are one of those people. Stop.

The best way to avoid back pain is to focus on a crunch in the abdominals. Most of the time we think of a v-sit as having a flat back and very up right posture.

For a modification you can try placing your hands on the ground next to or just behind your hips. This will allow you to de-load the exercise by supporting some of your bodyweight.

V-Sit To Opposite Toe Touch For Training Your Core

This active variation of a crunch can really create a great burn for your abdominal muscles. For beginners, keeping your back flat to the ground can help stimulate the correct use of core engagement. We find the key is to tighten your core before lifting your arm or leg.

Modifications for this exercise can be to leave your back flat on the floor through the entire movement. Focusing on bracing into the ground before you move either your arm or your leg.

Additionally, you can bend your knee moving in a tuck and extend movement pattern as opposed to the straight leg swing.


Just like in life there are no easy short cuts. If it sounds too good to be true (5-minute six pack) it probably is! Spot reduction is not something that has been proven by science to work. And I have yet to see it work in the gym.

Keep in mind that every single person is different. We all have unique metabolisms and body types. Just as I stated in my post about nutrition, it is about creating healthy habits that you can sustain for life. I suggest focusing on building a strong core for a better life, not chasing a six pack that somebody else has. I believe in building a strong body, not an Instagram-able body! 

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Creating Brand Loyalty as Trainer

Standing out in the market is important. And offering a competitive service and price are effective at capturing customer’s attention. But taking that attention and turning it into repeat clients with brand loyalty is critical to your long-term success. So let's...

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30 Minute Workout Program

30 Minute Workout Program

I have a great workout program for you. You can scroll down if you aren't interested in why I made this program. But it you are let's have a quick chat. Why is it easier to skip a workout than to actually do the workout? In my opinion it has a lot to do with how you...

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3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

3 Ways to Gauge Success As A Trainer

Whether you work at a gym or you’re an owner reflecting and evaluating your performance as a personal trainer is a necessary component to growth and long-term success. Here are 3 ways to gauge your business success as a personal trainer: Client Retention Client...

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Metabolic Madness

Metabolic Madness

As the Safer at Home Order continues in Wisconsin we remain dedicated to providing content and workouts. Everyday we release a workout on our YouTube page that can be done entirely from home. They are around 30 minutes in length and come with full instructions on form and technique. They have been a fun way to stay connected with our clients near and far. We have a new style workout today. I won’t be leading you through the workout, but rather I wrote one for you. The workout is written below and the only video on our YouTube page is explaining how to find the written workout.

This is a workout I dug out of my “library stacks”. Something I put together for clients while traveling for work and for myself, as I traveled frequently while coaching Junior Olympic volleyball. I made a few modifications and included some low impact options for people uncomfortable jumping. BUT all of these exercises have been featured at some point during the past 30 days of workouts. Additionally, they are relatively common exercise names that should be understood by most frequent exercisers.

Use Yoga to Live with Comfort

I am also excited to announce that we will be teaming up with Health In Balance Yoga in Mequon to provide weekly yoga workouts for you. Before the Safer at Home Order I took yoga classes here and loved every minute! The impact of strength training regularly and the high volume of endurance training I do made yoga the perfect answer for my stiff and sore body. Regardless of why you feel stiff and/or sore yoga can help. For those of you that haven’t tried yoga this will be a great introduction to possibly a new hobby.  For those of you who have done yoga hopefully this allows you to restart or continue your practice during these times. Enjoy today’s workout below!

Metabolic Madness

Each 10-round ladder lasts five minutes. Each movement is laddered up to 10 reps. For example, do 1 pushup and 1 superman, then 2, then 3, then 4, up to 10 reps per exercise. You have five minutes to complete each ladder up to 1o. What you don’t finish you try for the next time you do this workout. This is a rest-based workout, which means you push until you have to rest, and rest until you can go again. Rest periods are not structured. Take them as you need. Just remember that for this to be 30 minutes of actual exercise each ladder has to be limited to 5 minutes in length.

Ladder #1 Duration Repetitions


5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ladder #2 Duration Repetitions

Star Jump (Fast Sumo Squats)

5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ladder #3 Duration Repetitions
Bulgarian Split Squat Left

Bulgarian Split Squat Right

5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ladder #4 Duration Repetitions
Half Burpee (no push up)

Knee to Elbow Plank

5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ladder #5 Duration Repetitions
Single Leg Glute Bridge Left

Single Leg Glute Bridge Right

Glute Bridge

5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ladder #6 Duration Repetitions
Alternating Reverse Lunge 5 minutes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10