8 Mobility Exercises Anyone Can Do

8 Mobility Exercises Anyone Can Do

I highly encourage all my clients to incorporate mobility into their week. Generally leaving when and how much up to them, but these are 8 mobility exercises anyone can do. Read for a full explanation on how and why to do them and find downloadable workouts to follow at the end.



  1. Child’s Pose with Traction
  2. Trap Traction
  3. 3 Point Hip Flexor 
  4. High Plank Sit Back
  5. 90/90 Hip Mobility
  6. Hip Circles
  7. Iron Cross
  8. Thoracic Extension
  9. Downloadable Workouts


Let me be clear here. Adding traction to child’s pose will shift the traditional focus to stretching your lats. If you can’t even get into child’s pose I would not suggest using this stretch for your lats.

Your lats are the largest back muscle you have. They run the length of your entire back and they are used in so many movements from throwing to pull-ups. Taking care of your lats like you do your glutes and lower body will help your posture and daily comfort.

To really target your lats using a child’s pose with traction you need to make two changes:

  1. Once in child’s pose bring both your hands across to one side and grab a stable object.
  2. Allow your hips to fall to the side as you bring your hands across.

Making these two changes to a traditional child’s pose will create traction and elongate your lat. Read the full steps below and as always be sure to stay in a pain free range of motion. And since we are doing mobility do not hold the end position for long. Simply work into your end range of motion then back to start and repeat.


  1. Start in child’s pose, see the first picture below, with an object on your left that you can hold on to create traction.
  2. Walking your hands to the left and grab the object.
  3. Once you have a firm grasp of the object allow your hips to fall to the right increasing the lengthening of the lat muscle.
  4. Hold for a few moments, return to start and repeat.


You should never be in pain. Please stop ANY mobility you are doing if pain exists. Our bodies are designed to try and prevent injury. That doesn’t mean that we can never get hurt. Rather that we should listen to our bodies.

Our muscles consist of muscle fibers in which every fiber has a muscle spindle. The muscle spindle’s only job is to detect and regulate the lengthening of muscles. When we are doing mobility, or pushing the range of motion, we are lengthening the muscle. If we push, intentionally or unintentionally, to a point of pain the muscle spindle will be activated to PREVENT the lengthening from occurring. This is the opposite of why we want.


Your traps, or Trapezius muscles, are one of several back muscles.  This muscles is named after it shape, a trapezoid. And it is quite large, running from the base of the head, out to the clavicle and shoulder and down the spine. Our traps help tilt, turn and stabilize at the head. They also are involved in shrugging your shoulders, stabilizing the shoulders and twisting the arms.

Basically you are using your traps all day. And there are other factors that impact your traps. Like sleep. If you are like me you like to sleep on their side, giving themselves a hug and pulling their shoulders (shrugging) up to the ears. Basically increasing the tension in my traps while I sleep, go me! I go to sleep to recover, not make things worse.

And then there is stress. If you haven’t heard, your shoulders are a very common place to “carry stress”. Simple put that means, when you are stressed you tend to shrug your shoulders. Putting more tension into those already active traps.


We are using a weight to produce the traction portion of this exercise, but you can just as easily use a counter or desk by grabbing underneath.

  1. Stand comfortable on two feet with a shoulder width stance with a weight in your left hand.
  2. Keeping your posture tall, but your shoulder relaxed, slowly turn your head to the right and tuck your chin towards your armpit.
  3. Find your end range of motion, hold for a few moments and return to start. Repeat this movement varying your chin location.


  • Pain. As always, mobility should be pain free. Control the stretch by bringing your head into a more upright position.
  • Shrugging Shoulders. This is the opposite of what you want here. So try to relax those shoulders to get the most out of this stretch.


  • You don’t need a ton of weight, but if all you have at your disposal is a 5 pound weight you are better off using a table/counter/railing. Anything that you can get your hand under to provide a base for the pulling force.
  • Try working your chin from your midline out towards your armpit. There might be more than one spot that needs stretching.


This is a variation you can take on a traditional hip flexor mobility exercise. It is by no means the only variation you can take, but you bet your bottom dollar it feels fantastic early in the morning or at the end of the day.

We commonly say “my hip flexor” is tight or “you have tight hips”, but this can be misleading. When we talk about hip flexion it is the act of bending at your hip to bring your knee towards your chest or lower your chest towards your legs. But the hip is a very dynamic joint, allowing for a very large range of motion. For example abduction at the hip with flexion will put your knee out to the side and up toward your chest.

All of this is to say that hip flexion can occur in various movement patterns, which means various hip muscles will be active. And those muscles attach at various points on your pelvis, spine and femur. So when we work to relieve “tight hips” or “a tight hip flexor” moving in various ranges of motion can be helpful. 


  1. Start in a split kneeling position. I suggest having something soft, like a stability pad, to kneel on.
  2. Tilt your pelvis under and squeeze your glutes.
  3. Keeping your glutes tight you lean forward then return to starting position. Point 1
  4. Reach overhead sideways towards the forward knee then return to starting position. Point 2
  5. Rotate towards the front knee. Point 3. (See pictures below.)
  6. All 3 movements combine to make the 3 point hip flexor exercise. Perform 5 reps on each side.


  • Arching or extension in your low or mid back. Allowing yourself to arch or extend will produce a range of motion we are not looking for. We want the movement (of the range of motion) to be from the hip. I remind my clients to keep their core braced to serve as a reminder for a neutral posture.


  • Focus on tilting your pelvis and engaging your glutes. This will help increase the stretch at your hip flexor by pushing your hip into extension. You must maintain this posture with movement.
  • It is likely one movement is tighter than the other(s). Consider adding in a few extra reps in that pattern regularly.


With so many mobility exercises “on the market” it is hard to know why you should or shouldn’t do one. Unfortunately, without knowing your health history it is hard to know what is right or wrong for you. However, I can tell you some great reasons for doing the high plank to sit back. And if any of those reasons hits home with you, then give it ago by following the steps below. Just make sure to read the section on what to avoid.

Hip & shoulder mobility together – a nice benefit to save time and work functionally. However, this may be a drawback for you if you experience shoulder pain or limited range of motion.

Warm-up & core activation – we know that a plank requires us to use our core, so a high PLANK to sit back will be no different. Doing these will help wake up your core and warm your body to be ready for more challenging movements.

Decrease low back pain – hip mobility is linked to decrease low back pain, but so is core strengthening. Two birds, one stone. You can’t really go wrong there.


  1. Start in a high plank with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Push through your hands, bend your knees and sink into yours hips as you “sit back”. This should mirror child’s pose in yoga, except elevated off the ground.
  3. Once you have reached your maximal “sit back” push through your toes, straighten your legs and move back to a high plank position.
  4. Repeat for desired reps. I recommend sets of 10 for a warm-up, sets of 5 for active recovery


  • Be sure not to let your low back arch or your hips sag as you bring your body back into a high plank position. Keeping your core engaged the entire time will help prevent any low back arch.
  • Pain. We are always avoiding any pain or high level discomfort. Remember that there are a large variety of hip mobility exercises out there. You can certainly find another.


  • This is a great warm-up exercise, but it can also be incorporated into a workout by adding a movement between reps. For example, a push-up between sit backs or step your feet in and stand-up between each rep.
  • If you have wrist discomfort when in a high plank consider using dumbbells (hex style are easiest) as the base for your hands. This will allow your wrists to stay straight, versus the flexed position they typically in during a high plank.


90/90s should be included in your mobility program because they target the hip from multiple angles. Depending on what leg is in front, or your chest is facing, the joint positioning is different. Add in the process of switching from side to side and you are accessing a large range of motion, or trying to at least. 

Another unique factor is how you are using your body weight in this mobility exercise. 90/90s use your body weight, and the ground, to help increase the the end range of motion achieved on both sides. This will help to produce quick results in improve mobility.

The key is in the set-up. Starting position should be 90 degrees at knee and hip of your front and back leg. This will be awkward and unusual the first time. If you can’t get into this position try other hip mobility drills consistently and come back to this one.

Mobility is always about quality over quantity. Be calculated in your movements and listen to your body.


  1. Start seated on the floor with your knees bent and let both of your legs fall to the same side. This will put the outside of one leg and the inside of the other leg on the floor.
  2. Adjust your upper legs so the angle between your thigh and your hip is at 90 degrees on the front and the back leg.
  3. Adjust your lower legs so the angle at your knee is at 90 degrees.
  4. Once in this position you want to apply force down into the ground from your front and back leg, working towards contact with the ground.
  5. Lean your chest forward towards the front leg, keeping your back flat.
  6. Return to to starting position and switch your legs and face the other direction and repeat.


  • Anything other than 90 degrees at your hip and knee. After all, that is the whole point of the exercise.
  • Pain. Mobility or flexibility training should not be painful. Pain is an indicator that you are doing something wrong. Listen to your body.

TIPS FOR A 90/90

  • Your mobility will be challenge on each side and in transition. There is a reasonable amount of core work going on here to be able to change your leg position. Keep your upper body quiet and core braced as you go to switch sides.
  • On each side try to achieve floor contact from both your front and back leg while you slightly lean forward by hinging at your hips. That means your back stays straight!
  • There are a lot of variations of this exercise, but we consider this to be a good starting point. If switching your knees side to side isn’t your jam you can always work the forward lean on each side for a few reps before switching positions.


Hip mobility has a large impact on low back pain. For example, tight hips can cause your posture to change and your low back to hurt. Tight hips can also cause an individual to use poor technique while lifting increasing the odds of a low back injury. Working hip mobility to restore range of motion can minimize low back pain and injury.

Increasing range of motion at the hips is also connected to improved athletic performance. Limited range of motion means your mechanics, loading pattern and ability to work efficiently will be limited as well. Opening up range of motion opens up the opportunity to access more power and translate that power to performance.

Before we jump into the steps decide whether you want to do standing or quadruped hip circles. Does it matter? An argument can be made in both directions, but for this purpose you decide. I favor the quadruped when I am indoors and or doing mobility. I use standing when I am outdoor or getting warmed-up, especially for running.


  1. Find your balance on one leg  by engaging your core and keeping a soft bend in the knee of the weighted leg.
  2. Once balanced raise the non-weight knee to 90 degrees.
  3. Then keeping your foot pointed at the ground rotate your hip open so your knee points to the side.
  4. Finally rotate your hip so your knee points down to the ground and your foot to the back.
  5. Bring your knee back up to 90 and follow the same steps.
  6. Repeat 5 times then reverse the steps, working hip rotation in the opposite direction.


  1. Start on all fours, hands and knees, and brace into the ground by driving force through your limbs and engaging your core.
  2. Lift one knee off the ground and rotate at your hip raising your knee away from your body.
  3. Rotate your hip again so that your quad is parallel with the ground and your foot is pointing to the sky.
  4. Bring your knee back down to the ground and follow the same steps.
  5. Repeat 5 times then reverse the steps, working hip rotation in the opposite direction.


We have said it before, but we will say it again … we are focusing on a specific range of motion. The size of the movements does not matter. We do NOT want excessive motion or a flailing body. Isolate the movement at your hip by controlling your torso and upper body.

Your hip joint is a ball and socket, which allows the joint a large range of motion. That range of motion can become limited over time. Enter mobility and flexibility training. While you are doing the exercise think about that ball and socket joint. Envision your leg moving around your hip. The rest of your body should be still or quiet.


  1. You can use a wall as proprioception to control the rest of your body from moving. Just line up sideways with one shoulder against the wall and maintain contact as you move through the range of motion.
    • When you are in the quadruped position it will prevent too much rocking side to side which will help control your range of motion.
    • Standing it will prevent the side bend from occurring in order to move your leg.
  2. Keep your core braced so that you do not wobble side to side and hyper focus your attention on your hip.
    • In the quadruped position you should drive your limbs into the ground & squeeze your abdominals before lifting the knee off the ground.
    • Standing you should put a slight bend in the weighted leg and engage your abdominals to help with balance and posture.


The iron cross can be helpful to establish rotational range of motion at their hips separate of the upper body. Also known as disassociation. There are a significant number of exercises that focus on disassociation of the hips and shoulders where the hips stay still and the shoulders move. Think of a split squat with arms straight forward and rotating your shoulders side to side.  There are far less that work the opposite.

The simple reason is that it is hard. To rotationally move the lower body without the upper body requires you first to be in an open chain movement pattern. Second the joint(s) that actually produce enough rotational movement are found in your thoracic spine, not your lumbar spine. And your lumbar spine is closest to the hips.


  1. Starting laying flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms out to the side at shoulder height, palms down. Making a T with your body.
  2. Brace your core and lift one leg straight up into the air. Maintaining core tension and contact with the ground at your hands and shoulders try to cross the upright leg over toward the ground.
  3. Once you have found your greatest range of motion, keeping your shoulders down, return the leg to upright and lower to the ground.
  4. Alternate legs focusing on the same key points side to side.


Your range of motion is limited by movement at your shoulders. Remember we are trying to create movement at the hips without movement at the shoulders. This means you may need to place a box, chair, foam roller or something elevated off the ground to work towards instead of the ground. The height of this object will depend on your range of motion.

The rotation should be felt through your thoracic spine, not your low back. If for any reason this causes discomfort in your low back stop immediately. This exercises is not for you. Seek professional help if you are looking to work on your ability to disassociate your hips and shoulders.

The range of motion from your hips can be limited by the flexibility of your hamstrings and IT band. If you experience that you should consider specific stretches, for example a standing hamstring stretch. We do not agree with using this exercise to increase flexibility of your legs.

If you experience too much of a pull or any discomfort in your legs doing this exercise you should consider bending your knee to decrease the the flexibility demand. Bending the knee will also decrease the load by shortening your force arm.


This is not an entry level mobility exercise. It looks simple, but demands a person be relatively mobile and highly stable to begin with. And at very least requires you to check your ego at the door and appropriately limit your range of motion.  If you are new to mobility or stiff/tight start with a thoracic rotation exercise like side lying chest openers. These will still work on disassociation between the upper and lower body and help to contribute to improved thoracic rotation.


  • Focus on the rotation occurring through your thoracic spine. I like to envision a twist through my belly button.
  • Remember upper body should stay still.
  • Bending your knee will decrease the flexibility demand on your legs and decrease the force load of the exercise.
  • More is not better. Work for controlled, quality movements and couple with rotational strength for the best results.
  • If you have any discomfort in your low back, stop immediately.


The objective of these mini crunches is to work your thoracic spine into extension. Since we spend a typical day in flexion – sitting and rounding of the shoulders. It is important to focus your attention and movement to the thoracic spine. Movement elsewhere will give you a false range of motion and could contribute to more discomfort.

For simplicity, you can think of your thoracic spine as the section where your ribs are located. It is designed to support and protect the heart and lungs via the ribcage. The range of motion is small, but the thoracic spine can move in flexion (bending forward), extension (arching backward) and rotation. Range of motion most commonly decreases in extension and rotation due to repetitive motions. Like I said above – sitting at a desk, driving, etc.

Of course age and injury can and will have an impact on range of motion. But for the average person it is your daily life style that is causing your range of motion to change, decreasing mobility and contributing to daily discomfort.


  1. Start with your foam roller perpendicular to your spine at the bottom of your shoulder blades.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
  3. Engage your abdominals and squeeze your glutes to brace your lower body.
  4. Allow your back to extend, or round, around the foam roller as you lean back.
  5. Extend back, as far as you can go, keeping your core engaged.
  6. Return to the starting position.
  7. Perform 5 reps in one location then move the foam roller slight up your back and repeat.


Our main focus here is on the mid back, or the thoracic spine. Your focus should be on creating movement in that region of the body. Avoiding movement in others.

When working on spinal mobility you have to acknowledge that your spine works synergistically, but it should also work independently. Isolating our thoracic spine is essential to creating mobility. We need to avoid movement in our lumbar spine during extension on this exercise.


  • You should feel no pain, movement or work in your lower back. If you do work to better engage your core.
  • Move the foam roller up only an inch or two at a time to help target individual vertebra.
  • If you are able to keep your core engaged you can extend your arms overhead to increase the the force pulling you into extension. A weight can also be held in your hands.
  • I’ll say it again … be conscious of your core, specifically keeping it braced. Doing so will help control any movement in your lumbar spine and isolate the movement in your thoracic.


There are many workouts for you to download and save. Scroll through them all to find which ones you want to try. 

How to Maintain Golf Fitness During the Off-Season

How to Maintain Golf Fitness During the Off-Season

The off-season is a crucial time for golfers to focus on maintaining and even improving their fitness levels. Staying in shape during this period not only helps prevent injury when the season resumes but also gives you a competitive edge. We are going to walk through...

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How to Build a Consistent Workout Routine in 30 Days

Establishing a consistent workout routine can feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve struggled with consistency in the past. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to get back on track, creating a routine that sticks is key to achieving your health and fitness goals....

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15 Top Workout Playlists on Apple Music Right Now And the Best Workouts to Pair with Them

15 Top Workout Playlists on Apple Music Right Now And the Best Workouts to Pair with Them

If you are anything like me, music is the fuel that powers your workout and changes your mood. The playlist you put on can either make or break how you workout. That’s why I am sharing 15 top workout playlists on Apple Music right now and the best workouts to pair with them.

Pairing your workout with the right playlist can give you that extra boost you need to finish it strong. I mean … your post-breakup playlist might not be ideal for your HIIT workout.

Don’t just take my word for it. There is actual science behind how music can help your brain to make your workout better. Tapping into the potential music has can change the way you attack your workout, but it is difficult to know where to start. 

Let me make it a bit easier on you.


I have hand-picked these 15 top workout playlists on Apple Music AND the best workouts that you can pair them with to get started. Each one is selected to get the most out of not only your playlist selection, but the workout itself. 

From pop, rock, hip-hop and more, there is something for everyone in these playlists. Not only that, but there is something for everyone in the workout as well. Find your perfect workout and playlist match! 

#1: Pop Workout

apple music workout playlistI love this one because it doesn’t just have all the hits of today. They put some throwbacks in there and add some remixes in. This playlist keeps a great beat and helps you keep tempo for a faster paced workout. 

I picked this workout to pair because this playlist has a great tempo to run to. It can help you keep moving because there is rarely a lull in the beats. This allows you to smoothly hop from the treadmill to the hamstring work on the floor. 

Favorite Song: “There’s Nothing Holding Me Back (NOTD Remix)” -Shawn Mendes





#2  Home Workout

apple music workout playlistI am obsessed with this playlist! Such a great mix of songs. Although it is a pop playlist, it doesn’t have the same steady beat like the last one. It just has a mix of great songs that will make you say “I love this song!”. This is a great playlist to listen to with friends as you workout, it doesn’t just have to be at home!

I paired it with this my go-to workout, because quite honestly this might become my new go-to playlist. They both have the same vibe to me. Familiar, but still challenging and holds your interest. 

Favorite Song: “Beggin” -Maneskin




#3 Pure Motivation

apple music workout playlistThis is a great “hits” playlist. It features a lot of top songs, but it also reaches back into the past. Honestly I heard a bunch of my personal favorites on there which is why it made my top 5 for the Pop section. If you like songs that are a bit more off the beaten path this playlist is not for you. 

This one would pair well with just about any great workout. I chose this workout because both the workout and the playlist are full of good vibes! A glutes and triceps workout with this playlist will leave you smiling and a bit sore!

Favorite Song: “Astronaut in the Ocean” -Masked Wolf





#4 Good Vibes Ride

apple music workout playlist

This playlist doesn’t have to just be for cycling, even though it is a great set of songs that has a couple of ups and downs. Perfect for a more low-key workout that focuses on feeling the right muscles and full range of motion in movements. Just like the title says, these pop songs are nothing but good vibes and smiles!

Like I said, this playlist is all about feeling good and feeling your movements. That’s why pairing it with a workout that focuses on stability on the Bosu Ball works great. You can let the happy vibes of this pop playlist be just background music as you hoan in on your muscle activation. All you need is a Bosu Ball and some dumbbells! 

Favorite Song: “Stay” – The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber


#5 Top 100 2021: Fitness

apple music workout playlistIf you are a fan of today’s latest and greatest hits, this one is for you! A mix of both pop upbeat mixes and some of today’s hip hop hits, this one will be like working out to the songs on the radio without the commercials. It is such a great one to have on that will make you popular with all your workout buddies. 

I chose this workout to pair with it because it is one you can do with a couple of friends and have this playlist blaring in the background. Th 

Favorite Song: “Kings & Queens (MOTI Remix)” – Ava Max








apple music workout playlistFor those of you that are into those songs that only can be played at full volume this playlist is for you. A collection of hard rock that is sure to keep your heart rate up even when the workout doesn’t. This genre of music is perfect for lifting the heaviest of weights. Max out day here we come! 

These exercises put together for a workout will help increase your back squat. Pair it with a rockin’ workout like this and you can set yourself to PR next workout!

Favorite Song: “Smooth Criminal” -Alien Ant Farm






apple music workout playlistA mix of hard and alternative rock, this playlist ranges from 70s to today’s music. This playlist will leave you on your toes and wondering what song will come next. This is not your typical workout playlist, but in the best way possible!

I paired this with a workout that you can do anywhere with a couple of weights and the right mindset. If you are anything like me, workouts from home can be a challenge to keep going mentally. The best cure for that is a great playlist! Use this Rock & Reps to keep going when those reps get tough. 

Favorite Song: “Mr. Brightside” -The Killers



#8 ROCK HITS 1980s

apple music workout playlistWhat is more classic than some 80s rock? That electric guitar can power you through any tough workout. 

Try these high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts to pair with your 80s hits! With beginner, intermediate and advanced versions, you can tailor them to your fitness level. And the rhythm of these songs will fuel your fast paced movements helping you break a sweat and crush your workout.

Favorite Song: “Back in Black” -ACDC








apple music workout playlistI have been a HUGE fan of this one for my workouts lately. It has all the great qualities in a good playlist. Keeps a great beat, hard-hitting and pushes you when you need it the most. I may not be a fan of all of the lyrics used, but setting your app to play clean versions helps! Regardless, the hip-hop beats will give you that extra jerk forward to crush your workout.

A playlist that hits as hard as this one pairs perfectly with a workout that hits your legs hard. That’s why I chose this leg-crushing interval workout. Although this workout was done with a partner, the intensity doesn’t leave much room for chatting. This playlist will fill the silence with some great beats to finish your workout strong! 

Favorite Song: “Whoopty” -CJ




apple music workout playlistYou know that feeling when you leave work on a Friday and are ready to go hang out with friends? This playlist just embodies that feeling. And there is nothing better than channeling that energy in your workout! This playlist has nothing but the latest hip hop hits that will guarantee to hype your workout up. 

A workout that is as tough as an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) requires a playlist that keeps energy up the whole time. AMRAPs are usually done in a time crunch and keep high intensity. That’s why I paired it with a high intensity playlist. These two just pair perfectly together.

Favorite Song: “What’s Next” -Drake




Playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/gymflow/pl.ae7c5093e09e49bcb60ec2a1fa2eec24

The name doesn’t lie here. Want to get into a flow state in the gym? This playlist will do just that. If rap is your thing, this playlist will have everything you need to want to get into the gym now. Chalk-full of songs that fuel your adrenaline and bring intensity. 

This lower body interval workout is just as intense as this playlist. Not for the faint of heart. All you need to do for this workout is get in the gym, pop your headphones in and crank the volume to 100. 

Favorite Song: “Hot (feat. Gunna)” -Young Thug



So maybe you’re not into the pop playlists and rock and rap go a bit too hard for you. I love a good country mix! But just because you like country doesn’t mean you don’t like a good sweat. Check out these great country playlists that give you backwoods vibes in the gym.



apple music workout playlistFull of today’s great country hits, this playlist can not just fuel your run but can be a great addition to any workout. 

I chose this workout because I really feel like they are on the same wavelength. Both fill can be enjoyed with friends and fill you with endorphins! What could be better than this combo?

Favorite Song: “Drunk (And I Don’t Want to Go Home)” -Elle King & Miranda Lambert






apple music workout playlistThe last playlist might have been a little bit slow for you. Let’s add a dash of what gives all of us a bit more energy, caffeine! This country playlist just adds a little bit of pep in your boot-walking step. 

Try out this 30 minute total body workout with this playlist! The workout is challenging but doesn’t require someone yelling in your ear in a song. You can get where you need to go mentally and physically with a bit of country caffeine!

Favorite Song: “Almost Maybes” -Jordan Davis






Not every workout is run at full speed, lift the heaviest weight or push to the point of exhaustion. For those days when you need to get moving or you have a pilates or yoga workout, chill playlists might be more on your vibe. Check out these playlists that keep it mellow.



apple music workout playlistI am a sucker for some chill songs. I love good lyrics paired with a soothing melody. This playlist has just that. Don’t let it fool you, it still brings some great music that is on today’s top hits. Perfect for the days when your workout is focused on the movements. 

My mind immediately went to this core and mobility workout when I thought of this playlist. The workout is all about doing full range of motion on your movements and feeling your core. Feel the music, feel your core and get moving! 






apple music workout playlistIf your music taste ranges beyond the 2020s, this playlist keeps it mellow but brings in some throwbacks. From Earth, Wind & Fire to Adele to Aretha Franklin, there is something for everyone here. Throwing this one on shuffle will keeping you guessing as to who you will hear next, but always will bring the good vibes. 

I paired this playlist with a pilates-inspired workout that will leave you feeling strong, yet still flexible. With focuses on core and hip mobility, this 30 minute workout is a great way to get moving all from the comfort of your yoga mat. 






Whether you are into hard core rock or soft indie, Apple Music has playlists for you and whatever movement you are tackling today. These 15 playlists can fuel your workout to take it to new heights. Try these other tips for using the power of music to change your exercise routine. 













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