Training your core is so much more than sit-ups and crunches. The approach you take to training your core is like laying the foundation for a house to built upon. Do it poorly and the house won’t last. BUT if you prioritize the foundation and put time, energy and effort into it the house will last. Keep reading and learn more about why your core is the foundation and how you should be training.


Many people are on the search for their “perfect summer body”. This often starts with the illusive six-pack that many are chasing. An accessory for their favorite summer outfit. But is the 5-minute ab workout the right fit?

I think it is important to state that I have been in that exact scenario in years past. Googling workouts to find a quick fix on how to get there in 2 weeks. Contrary to popular belief, this cannot be attained. Even the 50 crunches a day and the 5- minute ab workout won’t do it in 2 weeks. I want to offer you a new perspective on core. I want to show you what building a strong core means and does for you.


Yes, doing ab exercises can build strength in your abdominal muscles just as doing bicep curls strengthens your biceps. However, looking at this as the key to your swimsuit body is only a snapshot of the picture. The hard truth is that our core is essential to our general existence. We wouldn’t be able to stand up and walk around without core muscles.

Your core is more than just your abdominal muscles. It includes not only your “six pack” (rectus abdominus), but all of the muscles that are in the trunk of your body like your back, hips, and glutes just to name a few. Training the core as a whole can bring many benefits such as:

  • Reduced back pain due to proper activation of abdominal muscles
  • Increase in stability and balance through strong core
  • Teaching the body to engage the core in everyday activities (yard work, lifting groceries, etc.) 

If your swimsuit body needs a six pack to go along with it, you will need to hit the kitchen. The gym is not likely the only “missing link”. But remember you do have one, because our core is our foundation. The stronger it is the healthier you are. Regardless of whether you can see it or not.


Here are some of the favorite and effective core exercises we love at Pure Fitness. Bonus is that you can do them at home. Side note, there are a significant number of variations for each of the exercises below. These are a good starting point to train your core in a variety of planes of movement an under different loads.

Dead Bugs For Training Your Core

This is definitely my go-to exercise for helping people learn to engage their core. This position allows us to teach people how to engage their core and stabilize their low back/pelvis, preventing extension and flexion of the spine, while limbs are moving. 

Focus on keeping your back motionless and driven into the ground as you move arms and legs. Any arching of the back away from the ground should be considered as a failed rep. Try to reset your core, brace into the ground and begin moving again. Remember that you are in control of the range of motion. You can always shorten or modify range of motion to ensure quality of reps. Then over time you can increase the range of motion as you become stronger.

For an easier modification bend your knees and for a harder modification hold a light weight in each of your hands.

We consider this a gold standard of core exercise!

Elbow Plank For Training Your Core

A simple, but effective isometric exercise that not only engages your abdominal muscles, but your shoulders as well. I personally love planks to work on stability. It is easy to feel/see when you are working through your back as your hips sink and abdominals extend.

Focus on keeping your hips tucked up so that your low back does not arch. With tucked hips, you will notice that your low abdominals really turn on and help stabilize your body.

I encourage you to think of your core as including your glutes and shoulders on this exercise. Pay attention to both and everything in the middle to get the most out of your elbow plank.

Side Plank + Crunch For Training Your Core

I always love using this combination exercise that can work in two actions, isometric and concentric. A great exercise for working your obliques and uses your bottom glute to support as well! Remember our core is hips to shoulders, training them synergistically is important!

If you struggle with holding a side plank we suggest you focus on properly holding a side plank before adding the crunch. You can also modify this exercise so the bottom knee is bent and resting on the ground. This will make the side plank portion easier and hopefully allow you to incorporate the crunch successful. BUT don’t give up on side planks. You’ll still need to practice them to build up your strength.

V-Sit Hold For Training Your Core

A different way to work isometrically by really isolating your abdominal muscles. This exercise will show you if you are working through your core or your back. Many people do v-sits with constant back pain. If you are one of those people. Stop.

The best way to avoid back pain is to focus on a crunch in the abdominals. Most of the time we think of a v-sit as having a flat back and very up right posture.

For a modification you can try placing your hands on the ground next to or just behind your hips. This will allow you to de-load the exercise by supporting some of your bodyweight.

V-Sit To Opposite Toe Touch For Training Your Core

This active variation of a crunch can really create a great burn for your abdominal muscles. For beginners, keeping your back flat to the ground can help stimulate the correct use of core engagement. We find the key is to tighten your core before lifting your arm or leg.

Modifications for this exercise can be to leave your back flat on the floor through the entire movement. Focusing on bracing into the ground before you move either your arm or your leg.

Additionally, you can bend your knee moving in a tuck and extend movement pattern as opposed to the straight leg swing.


Just like in life there are no easy short cuts. If it sounds too good to be true (5-minute six pack) it probably is! Spot reduction is not something that has been proven by science to work. And I have yet to see it work in the gym.

Keep in mind that every single person is different. We all have unique metabolisms and body types. Just as I stated in my post about nutrition, it is about creating healthy habits that you can sustain for life. I suggest focusing on building a strong core for a better life, not chasing a six pack that somebody else has. I believe in building a strong body, not an Instagram-able body! 

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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3 Beginner Nutrition Tips from a Registered Dietician

3 Beginner Nutrition Tips from a Registered Dietician

Hopefully you landed on this blog because you are looking for some nutritional guidance. Because I, with the help of a registered Dietitian, are going to give you three beginner nutrition tips. They are a great place to start if you are just getting going on your food journey or if you are overwhelmed with the information you have already found.

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Changing Your Nutritional Habits

As creatures of habit and routine, the thought of changing up our lifestyle can seem overwhelming and sometimes scary. Especially when it comes to nutrition. We all have our reasons for wanting to change our diet for the better. This often comes with a drastic change in completely eliminating foods we enjoy or extreme cuts in calories. I sat down and interviewed Elizabeth Kasparek, a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics with Sanford Power at the Sanford Sports Science Institute in Sioux Falls, SD to talk about beginning. Although Elizabeth is a Sports Dietitian, she works with every person from middle school to college athletes, or from general population to marathon runners. She has seen a multitude of different people coming through her door asking for the same advice you are seeking here.

Where do I Start?

When it comes to basic nutritional guidelines Elizabeth likes to share with those who ask her where to start. She gave three basic actions to take:

1. Drink more water!

This is just one example of a small change, but a common one everyone can follow. She emphasized that pretty much everyone could use more water in their day not only to help your body feel better, but to help you think sharper. If you are someone who struggles with drinking more, she suggests always having a water bottle in your hand. You can flavor it with a zero-calorie sweetener if need be.

This is one area I am STILL working at. Some days I knock it out of the park, other days … well let’s just say it isn’t good. I have found it helpful to use the same water bottle so I get use a schedule of evenly consuming water. I love hydroflask – this one is my favorite. Water is also important for your recovery between workouts, your level of focus and energy throughout the day and your sleep.

2. Find ways to add a fruit or vegetable at every meal (emphasis on the vegetables)!

Elizabeth said that this is a great place to start when thinking about changing your nutritional habits. She encouraged creativity and customization in this department! Try adding spinach in your smoothie (that’s an easy one!). Or putting steamed broccoli in your mac and cheese (yes, her suggestion!). Or maybe trying something more neutral like mashed cauliflower in your mashed potatoes. 

I personally encourage myself to try a new recipe often. Not just something that I haven’t made before, but something I normally wouldn’t eat. Sheet pan cooking is so convenient and fast I knew I wanted to try it. So I went for a chicken, broccoli, brussel sprout and gnocchi dish. It. Was. Amazing. Big bonus is that it worked in two vegetables into my meal.

3. Build a balanced plate!

When it comes to the basics of a balance plate, Elizabeth talks about half your plate being fruits and vegetables, one fourth carbohydrates (complex preferably), and one fourth protein. This also includes about a teaspoon of fat that could be found in a healthy oil, for example. One meal that she emphasized people forget to do this with is breakfast, in which a lot of high carb meals are found, and protein gets lost. She suggests adding an egg or greek yogurt to the morning mix! Check out the plate example she provided below. 

balance plate for easy training or weight management

I found this example helpful. As a visual person, it struck home. As a former collegiate athlete adjusting my food consumption to my new lifestyle has been a challenge. The fact this these portion sizes are for easy training days and weight management gave me the perspective I needed. If you want to learn more about transitioning to life after college athletics read this.

In this article I share what I learned from reading The Healthy Former Athlete by Registered Dietician Lauren Link. The five main points that you and I can apply to our lives immediately to help the transition move more smoothly. It is also a very relatable book for post collegiate athletes. Giving us the feeling that we are not alone.

Get your copy of the book here!

What are the Take-Aways?

Elizabeth stated that it is what you do consistently that matters. She found through studies she has read that many diets require drastic changes of which the majority end up gaining the weight back eventually. It is about finding healthy habits that you can sustain for a healthy life. She suggests simply tracking what you eat for a couple days and how that food makes you feel!

After talking with Elizabeth, I took away that just like exercise, nutrition is not a one-size-fits all plan. Find sustainable habits that help you feel like you are fueling your body for success. So maybe today you start with drinking one extra cup of water. Tomorrow you focus on adding a vegetable to your dinner plans. Changing your nutritional habits can be overwhelming but focusing on one step at a time can make the challenge a bit less daunting.

Write down your one focus for nutritional habits and remind yourself of it daily. This will help prevent you from being side tracked by trying to do too much at once.


Have you heard of fad diets? Do you know how to identify a fad diet before it’s too late?

It is no secret we are in the age of information. Any question we have on any topic can be searched and within seconds we have thousands of articles with answers. However, we are faced with a challenge. Which information is credible and which is coming from unqualified sources?

This is where fad diets come in. I started typing in Google “what diet” and the top answers were “works best for me”, “is best for losing weight”, and “pill was on Shark Tank”. The world is looking for quick fixes and from sources that know nothing about them or their body type. It is easy to find information that supports your ideas about weight loss. But we must determine what is fact and what is fiction.

To ensure that my information is reliable I looked to registered dietitian, Elizabeth Kasparek, for some insight. She has seen first hand what happens when strict diet and restrictions are held on unhealthy foods. It has been shown that although it works for the time being, eventually people return to their bad habits and gain the weight back.

Yes, some diets work. They get you to lose the weight in the time you want to lose it. But Elizabeth begs you to answer the question, “Why is that number your ‘ideal’ weight?”.

For some this is a weight they had in high school or when they were under a lot of stress and fueling their body was not a priority. Their bodies may be weak, but they hit that magic number on the scale! This is not the case for everyone, but it is something to consider when evaluating your weight loss goals. Are you reaching for a number on a scale? Or a better lifestyle that has you feeling healthy and strong?

Making sure that your endgame or the reason why you are adjusting your lifestyle has your best interest at the forefront is vital. Without a strong “why” the likelihood of succeeding short term or long term is low.


Again, the key is to think about the quick fix. Or should I say STOP thinking about the quick fix.

Elizabeth put it as “what is the diet or diet pill worth to you”? Do you have to make drastic changes and cut out a macro nutrient? When looking at our diet we have to consider whether these sacrifices are sustainable.

This article is not a how-to on weight loss or a road map to getting your beach bod. It is perspective.

I want to offer a perspective on the diet culture with the help of a registered dietician. And I want you to step back and look at your perspective. Double check yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

Elizabeth talked about when you see dieters or plans on social media. She stated that it is good to consider that they may be getting rid of their other unhealthy habits along with the diet plan they post. Meaning, it takes more than a sheet of paper to get you from A to B. This is an important piece to consider before going all-in on a product you see.

Another way to think of this is, what else will I need to be successful? Often the diet plan is not the only factor.

Elizabeth encourages us to focus on weight loss in a healthy way. It is all about the habits you are forming! Another interesting perspective she posed was the idea of thinking of your family or friends. Would you want them following this crazy diet? And if it is not beneficial for your whole family (i.e. kids, spouse, etc.) is it the best idea for you?


Finding a realistic well-round approach is going to be best. And thats something fad diets wont tell you. You may want to consider how your sleep is impacting your life, health and even workouts. It is probably much more than you recognize. And don’t even get me started on stress and it’s impact on your life. Stress eating is a term for a reason. Finding ways to manage stress will be essential to success. 

Recovery will be another important part of your road to success. You eat well, you sleep well, you are managing your stress levels and you are getting some killer workouts in. Now you may start to feel worn down, or beat up or stiff. That’s likely because you aren’t finding time to recover. And let’s be clear you can feel this way from a long, stressful day at work. So having a go to recovery program can be beneficial. 


This is not to say all diets are frauds. One example that Elizabeth supported was the use of the Mediterranean Diet. She has stated that this has great research behind it! Because it actually is based off of eating habits and been shown beneficial for heart health. But I am saying to beware of big promises and quick fixes. Diet is a long term lifestyle.

As Elizabeth encouraged me to pass along, it is about finding trust-worthy sources. Speak to a local registered dietician. Educate with articles from sources that don’t end in .com. Research thoroughly before trying the latest trend.

I would like to reiterate that I am not here to tell you what diets to follow or what is the best. I am simply giving a different vantage point and encouraging you all to make an informed decision when choosing what fuels your body! Just as I said, we are in the information age. Use it wisely.

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Sculpt Your Goals: Dumbbell Only Workout Program

Are you ready to start a new workout program that focuses on building strength in a simple and effective manner? Then you are in the right place! My Dumbbell Only Workout Program is your answer to achieving your fitness goals. Let's explore why my program is the...

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3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

3 Reasons to Own Your Own Training Business

Owning your own training business can be an exciting and yet overwhelming thought. But ask yourself... Are you committed to the long term? Does passion and knowledge fuel your desire to work with clients everyday? Are you looking for more career advancement...

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